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Use LinkedIn For Successful Marketing

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LinkedIn is a powerful tool for individual and companies to generate leads, make new connections, and build the brand. linkedIn is equally important for all B2B and B2C businesses. There are some strategies which a B2B marketer can use to incorporate LinkedIn into his social marketing.

LinkedIn for B2BLinkedIn for B2B

LinkedIn is very vital part of B2B than Facebook. According to the statistics mentioned in the Social Media Marketing Industry Report, LinkedIn is the most important platform for B2B marketers. 21% B2C consider LinkedIn as their number one platform, 42% B2B consider LinkedIn at the top of their list.

Mostly Used Social Platform Among the Marketers

According to a report, LinkedIn is the third most commonly used social network for business owners. LinkedIn is going to show no signs of slowing down as it is a valuable business tool.

Product Launching Pad

Social media has a massive impact on product distribution and news information on media, blogs and consumers. According to the statistics, LinkedIn is at the top platform used for launching product among B2B businesses. Now, the audience has been increased to 81% who use LinkedIn for launches, compared to the other social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

Recruitment through LinkedInRecruitment through LinkedIn

Job forums, boards, and career websites are among the top channels for finding qualified job applicants. The use of social media on social professional networking sites has exploded over the past years. It has been seen that 73% increment on job recruitment usage has been witnessed by LinkedIn in comparison to the other job boards and staffing agencies.

LinkedIn-A lead Generator

According to the research done by Hubspot, LinkedIn has the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate among other social networking sites. It is found that LinkedIn has a conversion rate of 2.74% compared to Facebook’s .77% and Twitter’s .69.

These number are definitely going to change over time, there’s no doubt that LinkedIn is going to drive a huge number of leads for B2B businesses.

Ideal Network for Leadership

This is one of the key professional networks which are no doubt more effective network for your brand to lead in the industry. LinkedIn has the potential to act as an influencer to your niche along with recommendations to solidify your reputation as a trusted entity.

Establish Online Relationships

It helps businesses establish and groom important online relationships. According to infographics statistic, LinkedIn users maintain better relationships as compare to other social media platforms.

Increase Page RankingIncrease Page Ranking

LinkedIn is the properly optimized social media platform which increased the chances of ranking in Google search, giving your brand search visibility.  Unlike Facebook, LinkedIn has the potential to reach your page followers because when you post an update to your company page, it automatically appears in your followers’ feeds, regardless of their interaction with the posts.

Audience is the bottom line for all your efforts to build your page, and they are not hindered or filtered by an algorithm. It is better to maximize the reach of your posts to the audience.

Hope this article serves your purpose that LinkedIn is a worthy investment for your business.

Author Bio:

Sheraz saleem ghouri is an upcoming article writer. He is an engineer and a business graduate. Presently, he is a senior O level teacher and a student counselor at a very renowned institution. He is interested in education, events and management writings.

You may contact him on the below address.

[email protected]

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