Top 10 Weirdest Foods

6. Tarantula

Not only are they spiders, but they are hairy and can grow to be as big as your supper plate. Even if you haven’t watched too many movies in which these giant arachnids attack, your stomach will probably churn when you discover they are venomous. Nevertheless, tarantula is a popular source of protein in some areas of the world where other sources are in limited supply. Clearly they are popular in some realms of the globe, but crunchy and hairy are not normally words utilized to market restaurant cuisine.


  1. Do you really think that animals choose the best berries ??
    The most important factor in coffee beans always will be soil.
    This coffee can be intrested because of production method I mean eaten and shi# by the animal. It may slightly affect for the coffee berries. The second most important factor will be a beans freshnes and many more. I tried Kopi Luwak from the five different sources and I could notice these mighty sweetness only when I tried Weasel Kopi Luwak from Vietnam. This coffee was the best one. I can only mentioned about the second one from Bali, was pretty intrested but had strong acidic taste. So not for me.
    If you would like to try this coffee from Vietnam here it is a link
    Don’t remember from where I bought this coffee from Bali

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