Top 10 Facts About Organic Foods

7. Organic Foods can be Produced by One Self

You can grow your own organic foods in your garden. Organic foods have to be produced without the use of any pesticides or fertilizers. Therefore, if you follow the standard of growing foods without the use of any such fertilizers, you can have your own organic foods. Instead of using the store-bought fertilizers, you can your own compost using safe kitchen waste.

6. Organic Foods Means Lesser Chemical Absorption

New studies have revealed that eating organic foods means that you are reducing the absorption of chemicals in your body. It has been found that unborn babies have found to contain chemicals like mercury, pesticides, fire retardants and other chemicals in their body even before birth. This is due to the intake of such chemicals by the mother which is then transferred to the fetus via the umbilical cord blood. These chemicals in the body of the fetus can have irreversible effects. Therefore, switching over to organic foods is the ideal option to keep yourself and your baby safe.