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The Faces Lift Process With Cosmetic Surgery

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The cosmetic surgery procedure is very helpful in many ways. With the help of this cosmetic surgery one can also have a neck liposuction or neck left. You can also have face lift surgery with the help of which you can correct those face parts that you are not satisfied with. Two such procedures are explained below.

The Faces Lift Process With Cosmetic Surgery

Face Lift Procedure

The medical term that is used for face-lift surgery is rhytidectomy and this is a type of cosmetic surgery or facial toning procedure which will help your face to get a more youthful appearance. This procedure is helpful to get rid of chin fat.

There are several processes of face lift procedures.

Smas Lift

Smas or superficial musculo Apo neurotic system is the layers that consist of suspension ligaments which reduces the cheek fat. Thus this will cause the muscle to remain in their normal condition. The face can be rejuvenated by re suspension and securing of the Smas anatomical layer. And this is done by counteracting aging and gravity caused laxity. But there can be modification of the Smas technique.

Deep Plane Face Lift

The process of correct the deepening of the so labial fold in a very accurate way is called deep plane lift. It is different from Smas and it is done by freaking cheek fat and some muscles from their bone implement. But this process is at higher risk of damaging the facial nerve. This is also an effective process to reposition the muscle of the platysma. But the so labial fold is better addressed by a deep plane face lift or also by composite face-lift.

Composite Face Lift

A deeper layer of tissue is mobilised and repositioned by the process of composite face lift. In case of composite facility it involves the operating techniques which include extra repositioning and fixation of the orbicular is could muscle.

Other procedures that are provided at a clinic are:-

  • Mid face lift
  • Mini facelift
  • Sub periosteal facelift
  • Skin only face-lift
  • Macs facelift


Liposuction is a procedure that is used mainly applied by cosmetic surgery to change the shaped of the body. The weight loss that is achieved through liposuction is short term in nature and it is has little long term effect. The liposuction that is applied on the neck is known as neck liposuction and but this is a short term procedure that involves the return of fat which also redistributes in the body. There are certain obesity related metabolic disorder like insulin resistance that cannot be helped with process of liposuction.

Side Effects of Liposuction

  • It has the side effect of bruising that can be painful that this is short term and it also fades way an after few weeks.
  • There is medical side effect that causes swelling but it also decrease gradually after a month or two.
  • There are chances of getting scars as well. These scars vary in size which depends on the nature of the procedure and it also fades away after few weeks. This also depends on an individual.
  • Numbness can also prevail that can go on for weeks.
  • There is also the chance of post-operative weight gain
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