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Project Breakthrough Review

2 Mins read

Have you ever looked at the “work from home” industry and wondered whether it can all be true? I came across an interesting study by Project Breakthrough where they surveyed over 2,700 people in the industry and found that over 70% make zero dollars every month.

The curious person that I am, I started reading up some more on the industry and this program called Project Breakthrough. What I found was quite interesting.

Project Breakthrough Review

The aim of the company seems noble enough – they want to change those statistics and help as many people as possible to become successful. Fair enough. I took a look at their material and the training seems decently solid.

In my opinion, Project Breakthrough is not a scam. What they do is provide training and tools necessary, so you can start your own online business. You’re not investing in their business where they guarantee investors a certain rate of return.

I poured over their website yet I didn’t find an income guarantee of any type. That’s to be expected. They can’t control what you do or don’t do with the training provided. Therefore, they can’t guarantee that you will be successful. That makes sense right?

Project Breakthrough is not a pyramid scheme either. In my Project Breakthrough review I found no mention of building multi-level sales organizations or similar concepts that you typically find in multi-level marketing schemes. This company trains people to run their own online business in whatever niche they choose. It’s as simple as that.

I noticed some people online complaining that the material isn’t all free. That’s odd, because I don’t hear people complain that Apple doesn’t give away their computers for free. We live in a capitalist society and everyone needs to make money somehow. Personally, I think it’s wonderful the amount of training they already give away at no charge.

We live in a skeptical age and it’s natural for people to be cautious. Since the education is free, it costs nothing to see if the training that Project Breakthrough provides is right for you.

High Traffic Academy is the well-known company behind Project Breakthrough and offers some pretty advanced training beyond this program, if and when you’re ready to dive into a more specialized topic. However, the free course is a complete standalone system that’s focused on helping beginners get started. How far you advance your digital marketing studies is entirely up to you.

Be your own judge, watch the videos and decide for yourself whether or not the free training is of high caliber. Since it is free, the only way to truly find out whether skeptics are right is to go through the training yourself. As you read the comments under each video in the training, you will see that this program actually is helping a lot of people – and maybe you will make the same conclusion I have, that Project Breakthrough is the real deal.

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