Prosthetic Advantages: Above the elbow prosthesis

Prothesis like above the elbow has many benefits. We can specifically name a few however the person using them can draw out much more than what we can mention in limited words. Read on to find out the best advantages that one can have by using a prosthetic hand or particularly an upper limb prosthetic… Continue reading Prosthetic Advantages: Above the elbow prosthesis

Waterproofing: a boon for your home

Your home is the biggest asset of your life. You work hard to own a house, and once you become a homeowner, you work even harder to sustain it. For a lot of people, sustaining a house means to ensure that their house is insured against any damage. The most common source of damage today… Continue reading Waterproofing: a boon for your home

Hadoop Adoption Hits The Mainstream

Big Data, processed by Hadoop, can boost your business and help you make better decisions

For the last half-dozen years, the buzz about Big Data has been pervasive, as it has been touted as a crucial part of any data analytics- dependent enterprise, be it in the commercial, government, or even consumer sectors. It’s not all useless hype or empty promises, as Big Data’s sheer volume of information is invaluable… Continue reading Hadoop Adoption Hits The Mainstream

How Virtual Reality Is Changing The Construction Business

Clients who don't understand construction diagrams, mapping or jargon can bridge the gap with augmented reality.

From virtual imaging to 3D mapping, technology is driving a shift in the construction industry. The business of building is evolving, and that evolution is riding a tidal wave of technology. A new concept, called augmented reality, is at the forefront of that growth, acting as the primary driver toward a new era in an… Continue reading How Virtual Reality Is Changing The Construction Business

Construction Workers Go High-Tech

The construction industry is going high-tech

As technology continues to advance by leaps and bounds, innovations find their way into just about every aspect of our lives and every industry out there. Even an industry that’s fundamentally straightforward, such as construction, is experiencing a surge in tech. Here are some ways in which the worlds of high-tech and construction are merging.… Continue reading Construction Workers Go High-Tech

4 Apps That Are Bound To Please Users With Disability

Disability can sometimes hinder a person from performing even daily day-to-day activities with ease. Troubles faced can range from inability to read the expiry date on a carton of milk to difficulty in finding one’s way around unfamiliar surroundings. Technology has touched and changed all aspects of our lives and has simplified a host of… Continue reading 4 Apps That Are Bound To Please Users With Disability

7 Reasons To Start Learning PHP Online

Business owners nowadays generally recognize the critical role played by the World Wide Web in the success and failure of their businesses. They likewise see the importance of online business portals wherein they can showcase their products and services and reach their target audience. For this reason, it is imperative and very relevant for business… Continue reading 7 Reasons To Start Learning PHP Online