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Office Cabins: A status Symbol

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Status is a very important aspect of our lives today; almost everything we think and do of is reflective of our status in society. One place where it matters the most is in the workspace. Having a good position in a company is indicative of the hard work one has put, in order to reach where one is today.

The economy in India is a hyper-fast one; it is the second fastest growing country in the world. It has achieved this status due to the huge workforce of this country, with over a billion people in the country it is no wonder that its growth is this fast. The workforce is equally divided into private and public sector companies, with the largest public sector organizations like the Indian Railways employing well over a million people. As for the private sector, there are hundreds of companies in India; most of which are multi-national corporations who outsource to India as the workforce is tremendously motivated and the costs are considerably less. Each of these giant organizations employs people in the thousands, and most college graduates dream of landing a job in one of them.

Having a job at one of these companies is an indication of how far one has come, and the struggles one would have gone through to get there. As time goes on, one just does not stay stagnant at one place, they look for promotions and raises. At the pinnacle of this is having one’s own cabin at the corner of the building. This is a big status symbol and has been this way since the early 1900s when the age of the industrial revolution ended and ushered in the era of the information age.

Many new and growing companies and start-ups also follow the same suit, and having a cabin of their own in such a setup, is suggestive of the fact that they have, made significant progress and are yet to fulfil their potential. Cities like Bangalore and Delhi are hubs for start-ups and small companies. They are constantly looking for office spaces that fulfil their needs and how they can maximise the space and make it their own.

Most small companies and start-ups have relatively small budgets for office spaces; hence they look for places which offer long-term leasing for cheap or for places located on the outskirts of the city. While scouting locations they generally opt for places which are in high rise buildings and which are situated in a populated area. Other things such as cabins and meeting rooms are also taken into consideration and are entirely dependent on the company or start-up to opt for these features.

It is very easy to find workplaces, all it takes is a simple Google search, and specific searches yield better results.  Private cabin space in Gurgaon, meeting rooms in Delhi is very easily available at the click of a button. If the budgets of the company are high enough, then it is fairly easy to lease the best private cabin in Gurgaon.

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