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Negative Painting Techniques For Watercolorists

2 Mins read

Creativity is the very essence of the art. A painting is a lovely amalgamation of millions of lingering imaginations in the mind. A drawing on a canvass may look simple, but only a painter can comprehend the gravity of thoughts that run through his mind. One of the most successful approaches in the art domain is Negative Painting, a unique way of highlighting the objects by applying strokes around them on a paper. It is an interesting concept, but definitely not easy. Made using watercolors, it is a famous method where colors are filled so as to leave a blank space, which elaborates the real image behind. This space around the main objects is known as Negative Space, while the painted area in a composition is the positive space.

Negative Painting Techniques For Watercolorists

Negative Painting is a sort a magic where a painter colors the negative space and distinguishes the positive space from the negative without actually coloring it. This simply means that a painter first accesses the negative space and outlines it. Then, he paints the positive space systematically to bring out the intended effect. The words ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ shouldn’t be confused as ‘good’ and ‘bad’. In fact, they are two sides of the same coin. No matter what remains the way to paint, the end result is entirely the same.

  • Step 1: Start drawing with a pencil. It is important to draw maximum, so as to get a good variety of sizes and shapes, which together produce an astonishing picture during the painting process.
  • Step 2: Wet the paper and pour colors on it. Instead of using the paintbrush, allow the colors to get mixed with the water on the paper. This will look more realistic and pleasant. Let it dry.
  • Step 3: This is the time to define the soft and hard edges in a composition. Introduce new colors in order to highlight the edges and render a clear picture. Wait until it gets totally dry.
  • Step 4: With each stroke, the viewers will be able to see darker, solid patches in the picture. Water sprays can be used to create softer edges, which adds relevance to the overall picture.
  • Step 5: In the end, fine-tune the dark patches by using deep colors. Create some shadows and bring out fine detailing. This completes a Negative Painting.

Bob Ransley is best known as ‘America’s Colorist’. He is famous for conceptualizing the most extraordinary creations. With an individualistic approach towards the canvass, the painter has garnered praise for using the most wonderful and unusual color combinations.
Author Bio:

Bob Ransley was born in New England, and has constantly been on the move and has stayed across a variety of locations. He has been living in Maine for the past 6 years now, and his travels have been his inspiration for many of his finest works. He has become America’s most known colorist, due to the vast number of shades that he employs in his paintings. Robert Ransley can be followed on social media at @Twitter , Google+ , Linkedin and Facebook . For more background information on Bob , see his full bio over here.

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