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Michael Giuffrida – The Art of Making Business Meetings Productive

2 Mins read

Operating a business is indeed a challenging task, and when there are so many affairs that one should look into, it is obvious that several business owners lose track. The most frustrating thing for a business owner is to conduct meetings on a regular basis and not to get anything accomplished. Some meetings are productive, but if the business owner is not careful, the meeting can be nothing but a waste of time and this costs the business dear!

Michael Giuffrida – Meetings, and how should they be conducted in the correct way?

Michael Giuffrida is a skilled and experienced expert in business services in Connecticut USA. He is the Founder of Titan Strategic Partners and is an expert in the field of cyber-security and information technology. He and his team of accomplished experts have developed unique strategies and programs for successful business transformation. He specializes in the areas of lead generation, gross margins, compensation plans, asset optimization, process flow, employee utilization, corporate culture, and other predominant areas of a business.

Meetings with employees – Keep the purpose clear and direct

When it comes to business performance and productivity, every owner wishes to communicate openly with employees. This is the sole reason why meetings are held. Here, the business owner communicates the goals and tasks that the company needs to get done for growth and development. He says that when a business organizes a meeting, there should be a definite goal to the meeting so that the subject and the issues can be discussed. Once the goal of the meeting has been determined, the next step is to create a meeting agenda. This agenda should contain the steps to help the company get these goals accomplished within the given time-frame.

The duration of the meeting

This is a question that most business owners ask. Mr. Giuffrida and his team of dedicated experts say if a business owner has a problem that can be resolved in 15 minutes, there is no point calling an hour-long meeting it will be just a waste of time. This is a successful technique that helps business owners get a lot done in a short span of time. He states that when a meeting is being conducted, include only those people that need to be aware of the issue in the meeting. The costs to the company are more when you include people who need not be there in the meeting. The staff or employees that are directly associated with the problem should be informed and included in the meeting always.

Michael Giuffrida and his team of specialists in business services add that when businesses conduct meetings, they need to be aware of the time and money involved. Remember, these meetings should be shorter so that they cost the business less. Only those people that are associated with the issue should be informed, and others can be made aware of the results via mail or notice boards. In this way, businesses can focus more on the core tasks of the company and not waste time in conducting meetings that take too long and waste resources!

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