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Home Improvement

How To Prevent Home Break-Ins Through Your Garage

2 Mins read

Many burglars focus on garages because they know that quite a bit of money can be made off of tools and other items that are usually stored in that area of the home. That is one of the reasons why it is so important for every homeowner to come up with a comprehensive plan for securing and protecting their garages.

How To Prevent Home Break-Ins Through Your Garage

Improve the Lighting

Installing a few extra lights is actually one of the most cost-effective ways to deter criminals, and this simple upgrade can be carried out in a single day. At the very least, you should consider adding motion-detecting lights near the main garage door and any other potential entry points. Some burglars won’t even consider breaking into a home if they think that they are going to run into motion-detecting lights.

Secure the Emergency Release

The emergency release that is attached to the garage door frame is an important safety feature that allows you to open the door if the power goes out or the motor dies. Unfortunately, it is also a major security risk, and burglars can pull those releases with nothing more than a coat hanger or some fishing wire. The easiest way to prevent that type of mishap is to purchase an emergency release cover that fits directly over the cord.

Invest in a Home Security System

Adding a security system to your home is another simple project that can be very beneficial. In addition to making your home and garage more secure, that type of system could also reduce your home insurance by a substantial amount. Once installed, your security system should be turned on whenever the home is empty and right before you go to bed each night.

Update the Receiver and Openers

Older garage door receivers are notoriously easy to trick, and a sophisticated burglar could potentially get into your garage with nothing more than some basic electronic equipment. Upgrading to a MyQ garage door opener and a wireless receiver is going to make it much more difficult for someone to open the door by hacking into the receiver. When you are replacing the receiver and opener, you might want to consider upgrading to a new motor as well.

In addition to these few tips, you should also make sure that you keep your garage door closed as much as possible. Leaving the garage door open while you are working on your car or mowing the lawn will give criminals a good look at exactly what types of valuables you have for the taking.

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