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Coffin Design Services: What You Must Know

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There is no doubt that a funeral preparation is a difficult time, however, a good funeral services director can make things run as smoothly and easily as possible by providing an excellent service, and customisation of certain key elements.

For most people, the coffin is one of the main consideration points, and if the deceased hasn’t shared any preferences beforehand, the family will naturally want to ensure that the coffin is a fitting tribute and in line with what their loved one would have liked.

There are plenty of different coffins now available, from cardboard for an eco-friendly wedding, through to wood such as mahogany for tradition. One of the most popular new developments however is to customise coffins with designs.

Coffin Design Services What You Must Know

The Beauty of Customised Coffins

When you customise a coffin with a design you get to pick a beautiful image that is entirely personal to the deceased. Rather than having a standard plain coffin, it can instead be a thing of beauty and a fitting tribute to the life and loves of the individual being laid to rest.

The Process of having a Coffin Customised

The graphic designer at the funeral director will explain how the process works once you have chosen your coffin style and material. The funeral director will guide you towards compatible finishes and materials if you explain that you are interested in a customised piece.

Choosing the Image

There will be a huge stock of images on file and you can look at these yourself or ask the designer to pick some options. You might want to choose a theme that is particularly meaningful. Popular choices include nature scenes, animals, beaches, sunrises or sunsets, aquariums, flowers or stars. Some people want to have club emblems, characters or even brands on the coffin and the funeral director will liaise with the copyright owner accordingly to seek the necessary permissions. Usually sports clubs, for example, are very understanding about these types of request.

You may also want to provide a personal image and the designer will confirm whether this is workable from a print perspective. Regardless of what image you choose, the finished piece will be of extremely high quality and be absolutely beautiful to look at on the day. This can make the funeral and the coffin seem far less intimating to younger attendees and also give guests something positive to discuss – a fact that people usually really appreciate during an occasion where it can be difficult to find the right words.

Remember too that if you simply don’t want to get involved in the detail of the final coffin design, you can simply charge your designer to come up with an option that is seasonal, beautiful and fitting for a funeral, so that you can focus on your other priorities and be confident that the resulting piece will be tasteful and fitting on the day.

With a customised coffin, the funeral may just feel that little bit easier, knowing that your loved one is being put to rest in a beautiful casket.

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