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7 Strategies To Let Your Travel Blog Going When Traveling

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Do you run a travel blog and pay due attention to the consistency of blog posts and social media posts?

So how do you ensure regular posts on your blog when you are traveling? Isn’t it a daunting task to take out time to write high-quality blogs, edit images, make videos and update your blog when you are traveling?

travel blogger in India

In this highly competitive market, where hundreds and thousands of travel bloggers are offering content, it won’t take much time to the readers to find an alternate and forget about your blog. But if you stay glued to your system when traveling, you will not be able to enjoy your trip. So what is the solution that ensures that your travel blog gets updated even when you are away and that too without compromising on your enjoyment?

Here are seven strategies using which you can manage your travel blog when traveling.

  1. Create a backlog of content

Most of the travel bloggers in India have a pre-decided schedule for the postings along with the topics they want to cover like photo stories, travel tips, hotel reviews, advice pieces etc. You can write some blogs, edit photos and schedule them before leaving for the trip. You can draw inspiration from your past trips and utilize the time during this trip for better research and photography for future blogs.

  1. Decide the consistency in advance

While traveling you might not get time to update your blog regularly. So based on the availability of the time, you should decide it in advance that how often you will post new content. It’s not mandatory that you have to post 3-4 blogs per week. You can post one blog once a week and can utilize the remaining content for next weeks. Once the readers know the consistency, they will visit your blog accordingly for new updates.

  1. Take notes

If you want to write fresh blogs on your traveling experience, you should take notes. You can either jot down the important points in your diary; can maintain a journal or can note the things in your phone. Go through these notes when starting to write the new blog and see you will be able to come up with quality content quickly. It will save your time and efforts on thinking about the facts and other things.

  1. Use a portable hotspot

If you don’t want to rely on the hotel internet and on your phone, you can use a portable hotspot. With this, you can write on your laptop whenever you get time like while traveling by train or by bus; when waiting for your order in the restaurant.

  1. Social media updates

No matter how often you post articles or blogs, make sure you post regular updates on all your social media profiles like Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. The best bloggers in India have noticed that if you don’t update your social media accounts, people don’t take the time to forget you. It’s not just about your blogs; you can also post your images, travel experience, and content from other writers.

  1. Guest posts

If you don’t want your blog traffic to drop when you are away and not able to write, you can look for guest contributors. This way you will not just get regular posts but will also be able to offer some variation to the readers.

  1. Hire interested bloggers

When you don’t have time to write yourself, you can hire some travel writers. You can either take help of someone in your circle or can search interested travel writers on a content marketplace like Blogmint. There are many platforms where writers register to get found by the brands and other people looking for bloggers.

Do you have some more tips to manage your blog when traveling? Please share your ideas through comments.

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