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3 Excellent Reasons Why You Should Consider Interim Contract Recruitment For Your Business

2 Mins read

Many businesses and recruiters automatically advertise permanent roles when a vacancy arises within their organisation. This is not surprising as the vast majority of people in full time employment in the UK are in permanent positions, but recruitment agencies such as VMA, know that there are times when an interim manager is actually a better bet for your business, and here are the top three reasons why.

3 Excellent Reasons Why You Should Consider Interim Contract Recruitment For Your Business

Fresh Eyes, Fresh Skills

One of the greatest benefits a business will see if they use interim contract recruitment to fill a vacancy is the addition of a fresh pair of eyes to the organisation. The phrase “not seeing the wood for the trees” is often, unfortunately, applicable to executives who have been at a company for a long time and may therefore have become somewhat institutionalised. A fresh pair of eyes looking at a problem may uncover solutions that were not previously considered. In the same way, problems with existing processes are often more obvious to an “outsider” than they are to the people who originally put the processes in place.

New Experience

As well as adding a new dimension and way of thinking to your businesses, many interim managers are actually highly qualified and experienced so as well as adding these advantages to your workforce temporarily during their contracted period, your interim recruit will also leave behind a wealth of shared experience and knowledge that your company will continue to benefit from long after they have left the building.

Cost Efficient, Quick Solution to an Immediate Need

Interims are very often the best go-to solution when an urgent need arises suddenly, for instance to cover maternity leave or a sabbatical. This is because, in general, interim contractors are available to start immediately or with very little notice. The interview process also tends to be shorter as the business is safe in the knowledge that terminating the contract can be effected very quickly if the interim turns out not to be a good fit for the organisation.

Sometimes for budgetary or logical reasons businesses need to keep tight control of their headcount. However, this does not remove the need for extra talent due sometimes to unforeseen circumstances. Interim contract recruitment is an ideal way to fill the requirement whilst not upping your businesses headcount permanently.

Not only can an interim join the business just for the period of time that they are needed to carrying out a specific task or project, there will considerably less red tape in terms of initiating and terminating the contract. Compared, for instance, to retaining a management consultancy, an interim manager will undoubtedly be more cost efficient with a lower day rate and, in many cases, more specific expertise in their subject area than a consultancy firm.

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