Top 10 Fastest Flying Animals in the World

Most of us have been dreaming to fly. While this can be unrealistic, mankind has managed to build aircraft that allows people to travel in any part of the world through flying. As this might be the case, we are still fascinated with the thought of flying without any assistance of a machine but of… Continue reading Top 10 Fastest Flying Animals in the World

Top 10 Fastest Fishes in the World

Fishes are not just for our consumption. They are also amazing and awesome to behold because of their natural beauty and ability. But the most fascinating attribute of a fish is their ability to swim fast in an incredible speed. They use this speed to chase down food or to get away from predators, or… Continue reading Top 10 Fastest Fishes in the World

Top 9 Easiest Languages to Learn

Sometimes, language barriers can keep people from uniting. The importance of learning other languages is very important because it is the only way that we can understand each other. If you are planning to study other languages then you might want to start with this list of easiest languages. Of course, there is no universally… Continue reading Top 9 Easiest Languages to Learn

Top 10 Careers that Make a Difference

They say that in order to lessen your stress level at work, you need to love what you are doing. It is only then that you find meaning in your career. While most jobs are directed to money making or earning a living, there are some jobs that can fulfill you personally and altruistically. This… Continue reading Top 10 Careers that Make a Difference

The Art Of Illusion: 4 Ways To Make Your Small Apartment Seem Larger

When you want to live where the action is in Kansas City, downtown is the place to be. As is the case with most major cities, when you live downtown, you may be looking at less square footage for the dollar than in the suburbs, but it’s worth the tradeoff for many people. “It can… Continue reading The Art Of Illusion: 4 Ways To Make Your Small Apartment Seem Larger

10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know Used Ball Bearings But Do

There are those items that we don’t think about, but without them, we would be unable to have the technology we enjoy.  Ball bearings are one of those things.  These tiny metal balls don’t seem like they would be as essential to our everyday lives as they are.  Just a few of their many thousands… Continue reading 10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know Used Ball Bearings But Do

9 Mistakes Men Make When Approaching Women

I get approached a lot in bars. I frequently find it annoying as it interrupts my drinking time with friends and it’s usually more trouble than it’s worth. I might actually appreciate it or be into it if a man approached me with any couth or skill, but that’s not usually the case. You see,… Continue reading 9 Mistakes Men Make When Approaching Women

Top 10 Greatest Women Military Leaders

Some women have been portrayed as great warriors and leaders in popular culture and they become subjects of literary studies, history, folklore, mythology and film. These are ten greatest real-life women military leaders recorded in history: 10. Gudit Gudit, Yodit or Judith is a non-Christian and near-mythical military leader, who eradicated the Queen Sheba’s descendants,… Continue reading Top 10 Greatest Women Military Leaders

Top 10 Mistakes Men Should Avoid When Approaching Women

Developing a relationship might not be difficult but maintaining it can be. Often men, when on their first dates show over-the-top reactions which not only irritate women but also put them off. Therefore, here are the top ten mistakes that men should avoid making when meeting women: 10. Being too nice Often handsome men think… Continue reading Top 10 Mistakes Men Should Avoid When Approaching Women

Top 10 Accidental Inventions

Serendipity is what they call for pleasant or beneficial things that are accidentally discovered. You may not believe it but some of the most life-changing inventions are discovered or created unintentionally. As scientists look for things they want, instead they come across with something that will significantly improve the quality of life. Join us now… Continue reading Top 10 Accidental Inventions