Top 10 Most Vicious Serial Killers of 20th Century

2. Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos (140 to more than 300 victims)

Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos or “The Beast” was a Columbian serial killer and rapist, who admitted for the murder of 140 children. The victim count was based only the number of remains found based on the information he gave. However, it is believed that the actual number of victims may exceed 300. The maximum penalty in the Columbian judicial system was only 30 years in prison and Garavito’s sentence was reduced to 22 years for cooperation during the investigation and good behavior. While Garavito’ early release was approaching many felt that he wasn’t received sufficient punishment for his crime. Serial killings have no precedent in Colombia and thus the case couldn’t be addressed properly.