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Tips To Identify The Best Bar Cafe Displays

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A strong and effective marketing campaign is something that all of the best restaurants and bars have in common. This does not only relate to drumming up interest on the Internet and via print marketing materials, but is also relates to standing out from other restaurants in the area due to their window displays and in-store promotions. With that being said, read on to discover some top tips for identifying the best restaurant bar cafe displays.

Tips To Identify The Best Bar Cafe Displays

Special deals and promotions – The best restaurant, bar, and café displays are those that feature special offers and discounts. After all, who doesn’t like a bargain? If you run a happy hour at your bar, or you offer a special set menu, such as two courses for ‘x’ amount, then you should advertise this in your window display. This is the sort of thing that is guaranteed to entice people that pass by your restaurant. Moreover, more and more food and drink establishments are offering special offers, and if you don’t do so, you are only going to get left behind the competition.

Q code posters – Have you considered a Q code poster in your window? If you are unfamiliar with these posters, they basically feature a code that can be scanned by smartphones and tablets. The Q code will then connect the individual who scanned it to your website or one of your social media pages. This is a great way to boost your online presence. A lot of people like to post pictures of their meals onto social media, so offering them an easy way to connect can be beneficial to you.

Regular updates – The best restaurants and bars will update their window displays and such like on a regular basis. There will always be promotions and deals for people to take advantage of. If you simply showcase the same posters in your window for weeks and months on end, people who pass by will start to lose interest, and it can even have a negative impact on your brand image.

LED outside menu – This is one of the basic and most important tips when it comes to advertising for restaurants, bars, and cafes. However, it is something that a lot of business owners still overlook. Most people want to know what food is available and how much it costs before they go into an establishment, and the same goes for a cocktail bar. This is why you need to have an outside menu that is well lit with LED.

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