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The Unique Approach Of Stratfor Global Intelligence Services To International Issues

2 Mins read

Stratfor is a reputed geopolitical intelligence firm that navigates complex international issues in multiple ways. It deploys the method of online content licenses to a full suite of personalized advisory services. The basic objective of this highly esteemed and respected firm is to deliver to their clients actionable insights and educate them about strategic decisions that are about to occur. It also supports clients to recognize opportunities and avoid risks.

The Unique Approach Of Stratfor Global Intelligence Services To International Issues

Another unique platform of this intelligence firm is Stratfor Enterprise Membership platform that delivers and organizes their daily, weekly and monthly analysis to meet the requirements of busy investors, fund managers and executives. Stratfor Global Intelligence also gives their top quality services to military organizations and educational institutions. The enterprise members of this unique intelligence firm will receive exclusive memberships to their enterprise portal. This portal has complete access to the foundational online platform of intelligence firm.

This dedicated online portal provides members with alerts, forecasting and analysis. The portal and its benefits is to keep the key stakeholders of the firm aware of the most important geopolitical developments that are taking place across the globe. Besides the above, the members will get an extensive delivery of the content from this Enterprise featuring the valuable insights from senior analysts at Stratfor along with guidance for the forthcoming week.

There is a monthly publication called Stratfor Compass that is specifically tailor-made to meet the requirements of business executives to help them recognize opportunities and develop effective risk management awareness via precise and actionable intelligence. Reports and valuable forecasts are also included.

Members will also be treated to premium research in the form of white papers and internal Stratfor analyses on several crucial and challenging geopolitical problems. There are also quarterly conference calls that Stratfor gives enterprise clients more accessibility to their analysts four times in one year or more via discussion on relevant topics. There are intelligence alerts where clients will get intelligence alerts that can affect business decisions. They are able to get custom reports, open dialogue and tragedy sessions. This drives critical investments and helps members make strategic decisions.

Stratfor Global Intelligence also has an advisory service that is targeted to help clients increase their revenue, manage risks and resolve specific problems. There is an engagement feature that gives clients a direct access to the analysts, consultants and the intelligence network at Stratfor. There are clients that balance the global infrastructure of Stratfor. They help them to recognize the emerging opportunities and accelerate speed to the market to lower risks in new regions.

Clients leverage Stratfor’s global infrastructure to identify emerging opportunities, increase speed to market, and lower risk in new regions. The observations that are published by the Stratfor team are impressive and some of the best in the world today. They are mostly personal reflections and observations that work uniquely for clients. Stratfor is one of the leading global geopolitical firms that have great repute and respect. This is why it is banked upon by several clients across the world!

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