The Alexa ranking is a small or little emblem in Helium, this emblem signifies the current ranking of page or a site. It is rating or a ranking emblem, for instance this page is currently ranked as 1170 when it comes to the highest or the most traffic. It rates and ranks the pages in terms of the traffic that they would have generated. This feature is a very important feature and page ranking can be very useful at times. Vastly improving your Alexa ranking is not very hard and all you have to do is simply follow a few steps and you will be able to rank your blog well under 100 000 Alex ranking within the next 3 months.
- Alexa Rank
Alexa ranking is very similar to TV “Nielson” rankings or ratings. What this ranking does is it collects info and data on various different sites and then it calculates and puts this info or data together and rates the sites based upon the data it would have collected. Alexa rank uses an analytical system which determines how many people or users would have viewed the site. So after 3 months of calculating data it then comes up with an average number based on how much traffic the web site would have seen. The determined or assigned number is termed the Alexa ranking or rating and it gives fair and accurate idea on how much traffic the site would have encountered.
- The importance of the Alexa Ranking
Even though this system is not perfect it is a very good system. Any money or benefit that comes from tracking your web site traffic will ultimately depend on this rating and rank. So it is very important that you use this info wisely and you try to improve upon it.
- Is it Social proof?
A lot of people admire and follow the lifestyles of stars, athletes and celebrities on the internet. So a great way to increase your popularity, you must be perceived to be popular. This rating or ranking is a great way to show just how popular your web site is.
- Install the Alexa Toolbar
This toolbar is very simple but great way to vastly improve your web site traffic rating. Once you have installed it, all you then need to do is frequently and consistently visit your own web site. This toolbar will then report back to the Alex web site every time you or someone visits the site. This is a slow but sure way to help improve your ranking.
- Other features of the toolbar
In addition to recording and sending feedback to the Alexa web site the toolbar also gives a star rating and review ranging from 0.5 to 5 of the site. It also has quite a few compose buttons that is; Twitter, Face Book and Gmail. It has a button that deals with related links as well as a “What’s Hot” button and the toolbar is occasionally updated online.
- Alexa rank Widget
This rank is a very clever widget. As soon as you click the widget all data is immediately added to your page. Therefore anyone can have their page and info saved instantly on your site or page by a simple click.
- Redirects URLs
This function has very intelligent feature, if you type and you put it before your URL this will redirect all incoming traffic from anywhere through the Alexa site and you will get all the credit. You do not even need the Alexa toolbar to do this. This feature works for email comments, forums, emails and blog posts.