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Say No To Disturbing Body Hair With Laser Hair Removal Technology

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Laser hair removal is a popular procedure which employs electromagnetic energy or radiation to get rid of body hair by inhibiting hair producing tissues known as follicles. Killing hair follicles helps permanently remove hair from the treated spot. Well performed by a qualified and trained doctors, the procedure would take effect for at least a decade before hair starts to show on the spot.

Say No To Disturbing Body Hair With Laser Hair Removal Technology

90 percent of men and women who consider body hair distressful go for laser hair removal which has a pretty high success rate compared to other techniques such as waxing which can be quite painful and shaving with razor. Moreso, razor shaving would have the hair grow back in less than a week and people who have very sensitive skin tend to develop rashes, blemishes and blotches few days after shaving with razor.

Laser hair removal treatment is half as painful as waxing but quite efficient. It is suitable for all skin types, complexions and texture. The laser device comes with an adjustable system that is used to control the amount of energy generated and targeted at the follicles. The system is adjusted to fit the laser for an type of skin or condition. The wavelength of radiation is reduced by turning down the adjustment to minimize pain and risks for patients who have tender skin. Treated spot appears as though hair has never grown on it and it looks smooth and radiant.

A patient can book an appointment for a procedure with their doctor out of the box. All things being equal, appointment and other arrangement or prep for the main treatment would approximately an hour. The time it would take to complete a procedure is factored by the possible treated site and the skin type. If the wavelength is reduced especially for pain sensitive skin type, treatment period will increase. Laser for upper lip hair removal for the most part takes not more 5 minutes. On the legs, backs, chests and other large areas it, would fort five to sixty minutes under normal circumstances.

For hairy patients, sequel to the first procedure are other sessions follow for efficiency and excellent treatment results. Such procedures according to expert’s recommendation, has to be performed with one year gap. Four to six sessions may for follow initial treatment depending on the skin type and tendency to hair growth. Appointment as well as arrangement for each of the sessions would take less time compared to the first procedure.

Laser has become the conventional medical technology for skin rejuvenation not just through hair removal but also related skin treatment procedures such as resurfacing, photofacials, tightening and excess fat treatment. A complete laser tightening treatment will restore your natural skin texture and complexion, leaving you with smooth, radiant, tone skin. You can get hair removal and treatment in an outpatient and thus kill two birds with a stone with little or no recovery at all.

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