It’s the room that gives rest to your aching back and relieves stress from your day away at work. But have you been giving your bedroom the tidying up it deserves? If you haven’t been lucky enough to avail the services of a domestic cleaning company, then our guide will teach you how to speed clean your bedroom.
Get the Supplies
Gather all the supplies before you begin the tidying up task so that you don’t have to run around looking for duster or wipes once you have already begun cleaning.
Collect the Clothes
Bedrooms are almost always drowned with clothes worn on the previous day and other litter. So pick up the soiled clothes and dump them in the laundry bag. Don’t bother turning the jeans inside out or unrolling socks; you can do that while sorting out the laundry.
Now pick up and fold all those clean clothes or hang them neatly in the cupboard. It is best to fold the clothes and place them in order on the bed before placing them in the closet; this method allows you to fold quickly.
Trash and Litter
Now pick up any papers that are littered on the table or floor, toss them into the bin or keep them in the appropriate place. Pick up any other items that are lying on the floor and place them in the right location. Toss into the bin any trash that you see around the room.
Make Your Bed
Now that the bed is free of clothes it is time to make the bed. If you are wondering why you should make the bed when you know you are going to sleep in it in a few hours, then ask yourself why wash floor and dishes when you are going to use them again. Making your bed gives the room an uncluttered and welcoming look.
Pick Up Misplaced Items
All items that are not meant to be in the bedroom need to be put into a basket. It saves you the time of going and replacing the item one at a time. Placing them all in a box or basket and then going to each room and placing them in the right location would be the best option.
Time to Dust and Mop
If you don’t like to mop and vacuum, you can contact a domestic cleaning agency Hackney to clean the room for you whenever required. But if you are planning to clean it yourself then use a disinfectant wipe to quickly run through all the tables, window rims and other surfaces. Use a duster to dust the lamp and other artefacts in the room. If the curtains are lightly soiled used a hand held vacuum cleaner to run through. Without moving any furniture do a quick vacuum and follow it up with mopping of the floor.
Now put away all the supplies and relax, your bedroom is clean and tidy! It is time to reward yourself with a bar of chocolate or a movie of your choice.