Financial Analyst Aptitude Test Assessment pattern

Financial analysts are expected to be strong in the management of budgets and accounting and compliance backgrounds to explore and analyze historical financial data, predict future results and drive process and policy improvements. The financial analyst position is accountable for reviewing larger investment proposals for return on investment, investigating a variety of internal financial and… Continue reading Financial Analyst Aptitude Test Assessment pattern

Transportation Projects

As cities and populations grow so does the need to improve the infrastructure. Take Beirut for example which is the fastest growing region in the Middle East but with that comes upgrading the transportation facilities. In order for this to be successful, a good practical design is required. Mohamed Hamdoun with his wealth of knowledge… Continue reading Transportation Projects

Categorized as Finance

How Workers Compensation Works

Unfortunately, people are sometimes the victims of debilitating injuries.  While many people assume they will be safe while at work, workplace injuries are actually quite common.  Thankfully, if you were injured while on the clock, you have the recourse of pursuing a workers’ compensation claim. However, if you want your claim for workers’ comp to… Continue reading How Workers Compensation Works

Multivitamins For Health – Benefits and Side Effects

Multivitamins are usually vitamin supplements that come in tablet, powder, or pill form. You can take them to compensate your daily requirement of essential minerals and vitamins. The diet that we take may not complete the requirement of essential nutrients, especially trace elements. Thus, it is a good idea to take Multivitamin Capsules. Make sure… Continue reading Multivitamins For Health – Benefits and Side Effects

Adding The Element Of ‘Humor’ In Your Website!

Humor in web designing, sounds interesting, isn’t it? This will surely induce a positive user experience creating a strong connection with the audience. You will seldom come across any person who does not encourage or gets disheartened by humor, hence you are sure to hit the bull’s eye if you use a good humor in… Continue reading Adding The Element Of ‘Humor’ In Your Website!