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Outsourcing – The Solution To Employee Overload

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Getting Out of the Vicious Cycle of Employee Overloading via Outsourcing

Beat Employee Overload with Outsourcing

Do you know approximately 1/3 of North American employees are overworked, negatively affecting productivity and profits? Outsourcing, particularly (Company as a Service) or CaaS, can bring the turnaround.

Are you one of those entrepreneurs who find themselves overstretched? Unendingly? You don many hats – marketing, sales, recruitment, operations, and administration – leaving you with little time to do any of these efficiently.

This is a situation most companies, particularly SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) find themselves stuck in. Their overloaded workers accumulate backlogs, creating a vicious cycle of unfinished, or unattended work.

Outsourcing – The Solution To Employee Overload

Here are a few facts highlighted by a recently published infographic:

  • Approximately 1/3 of North American employees are overworked.
  • 77% workers feel burned out while at the workplace.
  • 8% of males and 66.5% of females in the US work more than 40 hours per week.
  • 22% employees are expected to respond to work emails when they are off duty.

The outcome is unrelenting stress on the human and physical resources of the company, and perpetually dissatisfied clients, who are then likely to switch allegiance. Can any business appreciate finding itself in such a situation?

Why Outsourcing can be a Panacea to Overloading Woes

Experts recommend Automation, Procedural improvements and Outsourcing as the solutions for employee overload related problems. Outsourcing in particular, when done strategically, can have a direct positive impact on a company’s top and bottom lines, becoming a key component of its successful run. There are several reasons for delegating a company’s business process to external agencies:

  • Companies are able to focus on their core business process, while outsourcing mundane time-consuming processes to third parties.
  • Lower operational and labor costs can have a defining impact on a company’s revenue recognition.
  • Outsourcing enables companies to tap into a global knowledge base, providing them access to world class capabilities.
  • Freed up internal resources can be put to effective use for other profit-centric purposes.
  • Companies facing internal resource crunch gain access to external resources, thanks to outsourcing.

Offshoring: A Step Ahead

Offshoring is the process when business functions are outsourced to agencies located in other countries. Major advantages include risk mitigation and re-engineering, along with other benefits associated with outsourcing. Many companies also opt for offshoring to expand and gain access to new markets, by moving the point of production or service delivery closer to the end users.

Cloud services mark a paradigm shift in Outsourcing

The cloud has promised clients even better cost efficiency, greater business agility, and increased collaboration. Now, some companies have moved a step beyond IaaS (infrastructure as a service), SaaS (software as a service) and PaaS (platform as a service), coming up with an innovative concept – CaaS (company as a service).

Company as a Service!

Outsourcing has gone beyond getting a few freelancers to do your work, or finding infrastructural support to develop your application. Now you can get an entire company as a service – your own cloud company. Just as you would do locally, you get to hire skilled professionals, equipped with dedicated infrastructure and seamless connectivity, and who work exclusively for you. The other aspects of a company – HR, admin, legal issues, IT support, Accounts, etc – are all taken off by the service provider. The cloud company is a replica of your own physical office. Free of the daily rigors of operations’ management, you can now focus on your core job.

You can scale up or down your team with ease, as per your requirements, which takes care of the rigorous process of talent acquisition and lay-offs. All you need to do is to let your cloud company provider and they’ll do the rest. You simply share the criteria with them and they would help you scale up or down accordingly. Details such as training, timing and payroll can also be worked out. If your requirements scale up in future, or you decide to tone down the strength, you just have to inform the HR team. People will be moved in and out of the team as requested.

A phenomenal concept, CaaS is set to create a paradigm shift in outsourcing. As more and more businesses understand the advantages this innovative concept brings in and adopt it, it is sure to change the dynamics at the workspace. Why not be an early adapter to CaaS and rake in the advantages of scalability, and innovation?

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