Want to know how to create a landing page that works? Effective landing pages pique the interest of prospects and drive them to take a specified action. Check out these essential basics of creating a great landing page.
State the Purpose
The first step in creating a great landing page is defining the purpose of that page. Why are you creating the page, who do you want to view it and which action should they take after viewing the page? Answering these and other questions will provide a solid direction for each subsequent step of creating a useful page.
Choose the Right URL
Another initial step toward creating an effective landing page is choosing the best page URL. You’ll likely want to create the landing page as a subpage of your primary website. Keep the URL extension brief and make sure it clearly states the page’s purpose. For example, if you’re creating a landing page to drive email list signups, a logical URL for the page would be yourwebsite.com/emailsignup. A clear URL helps tell visitors where they are, and a brief URL can be easily included in your marketing materials.
Offer an Incentive
According to 6 Rules to Grow Your Property Management Business Landing Pages, an effective way to drive your landing page’s visitors toward action is by offering an incentive for following through on your call to action. For example, many online marketers reward guests who sign up to receive their emails with a valuable white paper.
Keep it Simple
A top goal when creating landing page content should be to keep that content concise. Don’t stuff the page with multiple images and paragraphs of copy. Rather, ensure that each piece of content is serving an important role in defining the page’s purpose and toward driving visitors to action. After creating the page, pass it around to your team and take suggestions for any content that can be cut. Repeat this process a few times to refine it as much as possible.
Make it Mobile
Landing pages are no longer viewed solely from desktop computers. Rather, in today’s era, you should expect that visitors will see the page from smartphones, computer, tablets and other forms of technology. As such, when creating your landing page, ensure it functions properly on a variety of platforms.
Craft Your Call to Action
Your landing page’s visitors won’t know which action you want them to take unless you tell them. If the purpose of your page is to get people to sign up for your email list, then ask them to sign up. Include the signup form on the page as well as a bold CTA button telling visitors to complete the form. You could also bolster your call to action with testimonials from current happy email subscribers.
Create a landing page that works by starting with the basics including choosing the right URL and crafting an effective call to action. Here are 25 Landing Page Optimization Tips that you can use to further improve your results. Remember, the initial effort you put into your landing page can bring future payoffs of increased leads and more.