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Is Your Cloud Backup Offering These 10 Additional Services?

3 Mins read

Investing in cloud backup software is a necessity in businesses and organizations today. Cloud backup provides security to your documents and other sensitive information which is usually stored in your local computer. However, when it comes to selecting the best cloud backup service for your needs, it is critical to realize that not all software is the same. Besides providing virtual storage for your documents, what else does the software offer? This article will address some of the additional features you should look for before jumping on board with cloud backup services.

Is Your Cloud Backup Offering These 10 Additional Services?

1.Adequate storage

Cloud based storage will include anything between 1GB and unlimited storage for your business documents. Assess your needs and determine the amount of storage you need. Ensure that the chosen provider offers adequate storage for your needs.

2.Bandwidth capacity

Any provider can offer the space that you need for storage; however, what happens in the event of a disaster? Do they have adequate bandwidth to support a quick restoration and prevent loss of data? Are they in a position to provide a storage array that you can use to conduct a recovery? Think about this before settling for a company.

3.Data security

Just because your data is stored in the cloud doesn’t guarantee security. Internet hackers and scammers can make their way through vulnerable systems and access sensitive business data. Ask your cloud backup service provider how they intend to secure your data from unauthorized individuals. Measures may include utilizing data encryption systems, write-once, read-only access, and others.

4.Scalability and agility

If you run a startup business, there is a chance that your business will grow and its needs will change. In this case, if you only needed 10GB of storage, you may expand and require 50GB or more. How flexible and agile is the service provider in accommodating your business’ growing needs? The last thing you need is to have to change your cloud backup provider during every stage of your business. Go for one that’s flexible to accommodate your changing needs.

5.99% Uptime

Cloud based storage systems should allow you to access your documents whenever you need them. This means that the provider should offer at least 99% uptime. A provider whose service is not available 20% of the time can inconvenience you. In this light, get a provider with technologies such as temperature control to prevent overheating in server rooms and reduces the chances of downtime.

6.Frequent backup

Service providers that offer frequent data backups are recommended as this prevents the chances of data loss if something happens to the local storage drive on your computer. Depending on the rate at which you generate new date, you can have hourly, daily, or weekly backups.

7.Disaster management

In the past, there have been incidences of cyber attacks, server shutdown due to natural disasters, and other calamities which can potentially cause data loss in cloud backup systems. You need a provider who has a disaster management strategy to prevent data loss in the event of such disasters. Their plan should also involve finding ways to get servers up and running within a short period to prevent stalling in business.

8.Cost transparency

You may assume that every company is upfront about the amounts they will charge you for cloud backup services. However, this is not always the case. There may be hidden charges, especially relating to storage I/O and CPU usage. Go for a company that is transparent about the amounts they will charge you. This will allow you to make the necessary budgetary considerations beforehand.


Do not assume that your provider offers regulatory compliance to ensure data protection. Ask and confirm that they have regulatory compliance such as the PCI standard to protect financial information of clients. You can also look out for the industry regulations such as those set by HIPAAA, especially if you deal with sensitive info such as medical records.

10.Customer support

No matter how reliable your service provider is, you may need some customer support at some point. Go for a company that offers reliable 24-hour support, either on-site, via call, or email. Customer support reps that do not respond immediately can frustrate you and lead to great inconveniences.

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