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Importance Of Knowing About PPI Deadline

1 Mins read

If you have PPI, but don’t know about it, then the first thing you need to do is to find out if you have PPI, for how long you have it, and how much money you have been paying towards it. Once you know and is sure that you have PPI, the next thing to do is to make sure that you find out about the PPI claim process. It is fairly easy these days and for any queries, you can even contact the bank to know more.

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However, make sure that you file the application for claiming PPI refund, within PPI deadline. This is very necessary, else it would result in huge loss. You cannot file for PPI refund once the PPI deadline has passed by. Here are the few factors that makes knowing about PPI deadline a much needed information –

  • If you do not know the PPI deadline and miss it, you won’t be able to get the money you rightfully deserve.
  • It is necessary to apply for the PPI refund within the PPI deadline.
  • Missing PPI deadline would result in loss, because it is approved by the courts that all the victims of mi-sold PPI should apply for PPI refund within PPI deadline.
  • People who have been paying for mis-sold for years would be able to claim back that money with ease when they know about the PPI deadline.

If you don’t know about PPI deadline, then for sure you are going to lose a good amount of money that you could have got back. It is essential that you do your research and get to know about the PPI deadline. You can even contact the bank to know about it, and there are many online websites based on PPI that can provide further information on when PPI deadline is.

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