How to Remove Ice from Windscreen?

Sometimes we simply forget the fact that we need to cover the car during a very cold situation. A drizzle of rain followed by snow could unexpectedly occur at night, when we are sleeping. There are methods that we can do to solve this problem. As an example, we should have a de-icing spray a month before winter is expected to arrive. Winter may come sooner than expected. The deicing spray can be applied on the windscreen, especially if the windscreen washer tank in our car is frozen solid. We can use the can as an ice scraper if the top of the can is molded with straight edge. During a trip, it is important to keep a de-icing can handy and along with an ice scraper tool as well. For a faster work, we could choose a de-icing scraper with double edge and some models are electrically heated through the cigarette lighter.

Before we go, it is important that the car’s windscreen washer tank has been topped off. Other than with a mild cleaning agent, there’s should also be enough anti-freeze to avoid it from being frozen solid at night. One month before the winter is expected to arrive, we should flush the tank and add a new solution with enough anti-freeze. The amount of anti-freeze can be added as winter will reach its peak. During a trip, we should also have a spare bottle of anti-freeze, so we would be able to top it off, if we use the washer liquid quite often to remove snow. Another quick and simple way to defrost the ice is by using warm water. However, we should avoid using very hot water straight from the kettle, because the windscreen can be cracked.

Before attempting to de-icing the windscreen, it is better to start the engine first and turn on the heater. This will warm up the car and the ice on the windscreen can be scrapped more easily, because the inside part of the windscreen begins to warm up. However, when warming up the car, we should make sure that we are able to be present near it at all times. It is not a good idea to leave a running car at the side of the street. Opportune car thefts often happen when car owners leave the running cars for only less than a minute. It would be very easy for thieves to run away with our car when it’s parked, running and the key is already in the ignition. After about 10 to 15 minutes, the ice should already be scraped completely from the windscreen and we will be able to drive off.