How To Know If A Toner Is Helping Your Skin

How To Know If A Toner Is Helping Your Skin

Toners are as equally important as other beauty and skin care products that many use on a daily basis. They might not be compulsory per say but equally important all the same especially to those vulnerable to acne and other mild skin conditions. Toners help remove dirt and excess oil from the skin, a factor that is fundamental in holding other makeup together. This advantage is particularly useful to those with oily skins as it makes it difficult to retain makeup. However, the real question is how to determine if a toner is effectively working for you.

Importance Of Toners

Determining the best toner for skin involves a good grasp of the extent of their abilities. Besides holding makeup in place, they also come with a plethora of other advantages such as maintaining a skin’s pH balance, shrinking pore size, covering the skin and improving its quality and most importantly, moisturizing the skin. The skin’s natural pH level is normally acidic but unfortunately this level is never maintained at that due to the constant elements that the skin is exposed to and toners helps to restore this balance. On a similar note, it also protects the skin from external contamination by reducing the gaps between the skin cells. Perhaps one of the most important qualities of a good toner should be the ability to moisturize. The skin naturally loses its ability to retain moisture from the atmosphere which explains why aging people have constant dry skin. Besides aging, exfoliation as well as certain minerals from soaps can also contribute to this scenario. Humectants toners can help prevent this situation and consequently improve the looks and texture of the skin albeit age.

The Best Toner For Skin

With reference to the above benefits, the most appropriate toner for your skin should be in a position to improve the following skin attributes;

Reduce Pore Size – this can be determined by less vulnerability to free radicals that affect the skin’s texture and appearance.

Protect The Skin – a protected skin is less susceptible to pathogenic attacks and other harmful substances from the environment.

Creating a Balanced Ph Level – a skin with the ideal pH level is less likely to be affected by chemicals found in soaps and other skin care products. When using a toner with this attribute, instances of irritation following the use of these products should be reduced.

The Skin’s Appearance – toners like other skin care products should also be capable of revitalizing and rejuvenating the skin tissues. They also stimulate hair growth on the surface of the skin.

Improving The Skin’s Moisture Retention Capacity – when using toner, regardless of age, the skin should be more supple, tender and moisturized. If this is not the case, then it is advisable to consider other toner alternatives in the market.

How To Choose a Good Toner

How good a toner is will depend on the skin type of the user in question. A toner may be good for another person or more specifically for many people as recommended by beauty specialists but that does not mean it will automatically work for you. If you have a dry skin for instance, you should opt for toners that can counter that particular skin condition; hydrating toners are recommended. On a similar note those with normal skins should consider toners with a lot of antioxidants that can rejuvenate skin tissues and as such prevent the development of wrinkles. Those with oily skins can benefit greatly from the use of astringent toners-basically, they absorb extra oil from the skin. Most toners are made alcohol based ingredients and it is therefore advisable to read about constituent ingredients in the formula before using them on the skin especially if you have a dry or sensitive skin.

Choosing a good toner, however, is not all about going for the perfect fit but also avoiding those that might cause bad side effects following how they work on the skin. With this in mind, it is advisable to avoid toners that contain alcohol as well as those with fragrances. The former may lead to skin rashes and red spots while the latter can trigger allergic reactions in the skin. Astringents on the other hand can be useful but can trigger rashes and burning of the face.


Determining if a toner is suitable for your skin involves an analysis or observation of the aforementioned benefits. However before, you analyze the relevance of a toner with regards to its capabilities on your skin, it is important to establish your skin condition, type and most importantly, the factors of the skin you want the toner to improve on. It is only then that you will be in a position to make informed decision as to whether a given toner is right for your skin or not.