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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Property Auction

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The beauty of selling a property via auction is that you can sell it for much more than you intended. Unlike selling a property privately, selling a property at an auction has no fixed price. They start at a price you are comfortable with and only go higher.  However, not all properties get the highest bid. Some of them only get two bids and then that’s it. To make sure that you get the most out of auctioning your house, do the following:

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Property Auction

Make a Good First Impression

In real estate, a good impression is everything. Make sure that your house is at its best when the people planning to bid come to view it. Make sure that the yard is spotless, the walls are clean and in good shape, the ceiling bored and anything else that needs repairing is repaired. This will make your house look neater and much more valuable than it actually is. This way, during the auction, the bidders will not mind bidding higher and higher till they finally land the house. For more details visit

Properly Arrange Personal Assets

Having an idea what you can do with a property when it has nothing in it can be a challenge, especially to those who do not enjoy decorating and arranging their homes. Therefore, strategically placing your personal items around the property will trigger the imagination of the bidders. They will start imagining what they could have done with that space or even want to arrange it exactly like you did. If you wisely arrange your personal items around the property, you will be able to increase the value of your home and as a result increasing the chances of your property earning you more money.

Find a Solicitor

Once you are satisfied that you house is in a condition good enough to impress the buyers, find a solicitor. Finding a solicitor gives an easy time taking care of the legal matters pertaining to the auction. The solicitor might also give you a few pointers on how to further improve the value of your property. The solicitor will also help you list your property in the auction’s catalog and find the properties best qualities to list. In addition to this, the solicitor can attend the auction on your behalf.

Instructions to Your Solicitor

Once you get a solicitor, it is important to give him or her instructions on how to go about the auction for you. You will have to stipulate the lowest amount of money you are willing to sell your house for. This is the amount the auctioneer cannot go below in the bid. Your solicitor will also enter into an agreement with the auctioneer on your behalf. Therefore, in case of any legal matters that you need the solicitor to take care of, you will have to give him or her instructions on how to go about them.

Full Disclosure to the Solicitor

Since the solicitor will be the one handling most of the action matters, it is important that you disclose to him or her everything that might affect the price of the property. This includes the rental areas, legal issues and any bank loans that might be there. This will help the solicitor know how to go about the auction and help them know how to defend the price you are selling at.

Getting an Offer before an Auction

If you get an offer before the auction, it’s okay to take it up. It is not illegal at all. This might save you the uncertainty of an auction.

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