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How To Gauge The Probability Of Acceptance To A Specific College

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You have just graduated from high school. Now, what? You need to start preparing for college admission, but the idea of another three or four years of study doesn’t make you excited at all. In fact, college shouldn’t come into your mind only after your high school graduation.

You should have worked hard during your high school study years, putting all your efforts to make the best profile for a successful college candidate. But let’s take them one by one and see how you can increase your chances of being accepted to college and start dreaming of a successful career.

What are colleges looking for?

The competition is quite high and you know that. However, if you want to stand out from the crowd you need to be the perfect fit for the Admission Committee. First and foremost, they look for students who demonstrate their abilities to fit in a multi-cultural world, flexibility and capability to bring added value. In addition, you should prove your open-mindedness and be ready to be part of a diverse environment.

Furthermore, colleges are constantly looking for “well-rounded” students meaning to prove that you can excel both in your classes but at the same time stay engaged in various extra-curricular activities. To put it in other words, high grades are not enough and if you are engaged in a sport, multi-cultural organization or a club outside school, your chances to get the winner ticket will increase.

How To Gauge The Probability Of Acceptance To A Specific College

Proving that you are the right candidate

Maybe the above-mentioned requirements scared you a bit, but you don’t have to worry about that. First of all, if you want to convince, you have to know yourself extremely well. Start by examining yourself and discover your strengths and weakness. Like this you will be able to present yourself in a better light, insisting on your strengths and connecting them to your goals and ambitions.

If you are not very convinced on what your “powers” are, discuss with your friends and family or even better, make an appointment with your school counselor.

I know you dislike the word “grades” but to get accepted to the college you want, you have to take them into consideration as well. Try to enhance your results as much as you can and get your knowledge tested in SATs or GMATs. If you feel that you are not yet prepared, take some extra preps or ask your colleagues and teachers to help you.

Don’t miss any college fairs organized in your hometown. Maybe you think it is useless and boring, but there you will talk with admissions counselors and find the insights about the admission process. Also, it will help you find out if that college is what you want and based on the information received you will be able to draft your shortlist.

Last but not least, organize all your materials and information and nail the application essay. Take into consideration that the application is your personal brand and will be your first step for showing the Admission Committee that you are the perfect candidate for them. Your story should be so engaging that will show them your personality and achievements before knowing you in person.

The article is provided by Edusson (academic writing advisory service)

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