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How To Evaluate Different SEO Firms To Choose The One To Work With

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If you have ever looked up a search engine optimization company, you will have found that their prices vary tremendously, ranging from a few hundred bucks to thousands of dollars. Price is never the most important thing to look for, but these differences are so huge that they can become confusing. So how do you choose the right company to work with?

How To Evaluate Different SEO Firms To Choose The One To Work With

Understanding Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Companies

Advertising is key for any business to survive, including for SEO businesses. For these types of companies, the advertising usually lies in being able to achieve the best results, in the shortest space of time, for as little money as possible. While it isn’t impossible to offer this, it is impossible to guarantee it. In fact, if you see an SEO company that says they guarantee to get you on the first page of Google within 30 days, you should avoid them, regardless of how much or how little they cost. Within SEO, there are no guarantees, other than that a company will try their best, based on relevant and appropriate strategies.

Secondly, it’s all about reputation. One of the key tools within SEO today is reputation management. So look at outside and third party locations, such as Angie’s List or Yelp, and find out what others have said about the company you have considered. If you do spot any complaints, look into how the company has responded to them. This will tell you more about the company than anything else.

Third, look into the company’s history. The internet changes very rapidly, and many SEO companies simply cannot keep up. If you find an SEO company that can demonstrate that they have been in business for a number of years (check with the Better Business Bureau, for instance), then they will have gone through numerous major Google updates and still be around. This means they keep their finger on the pulse and are ready to embrace change as and when it happens.

Last but not least, speak to others you know. Anybody who has a business and is online will have had to deal with SEO companies at some point or another, unless they have an in-house whizz-kid. They will probably be more than happy to share their experiences with you, telling what they liked and what they felt could be improved on.

SEO is about so much more than writing content with a few good keywords peppered into it here and there. It is a huge line of work and one that takes specialized skills and knowledge. It is also something that takes a great deal of time. While it may be tempting to simply pick the one that is the cheapest – or the one that is the most expensive if you believe you have to pay for quality – you would be making a mistake. Spend some time doing your research so that you find the company that will best be able to meet your needs.

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