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How Technology Is Changing Our Cities

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How smart can a city be? The answer might surprise you. Cities are infinitely complex places with countless moving parts involved in keeping them running efficiently. Smart devices are ideal for managing huge amounts of data, so it makes sense to find a way to use smart technology to help heavily populated areas thrive.

Whether it’s transportation, power and energy, or even making sure the mail gets where it’s supposed to be on time, there’s no limit to the ways in which cutting-edge tech can improve your everyday life.

The demographics are changing across the nation: an increasing number of people are relocating to the cities. With this migration will come dilemmas of socioeconomic and environmental natures, among others. At the same time, the state of technology is improving by leaps and bounds all the time. Innovations like artificial intelligence and autonomous devices are making it easier to not only understand best how to cater to a city’s needs, but to actually do it. Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways that smart technology can help our cities.


New technology, like CityZenith, can be used to plan the layout of buildings and more in a 3D space. This digital representation can include all the inner workings of a building so nothing is left out and everything functions together effortlessly. It takes traditional construction planning and streamlines the process, allowing for more thorough design and better communication.


The bane of every city-goer’s existence, traffic harms our environment and peace of mind in a variety of ways. It drives us crazy by making us take longer to get where we need to be. In the meantime, millions of dollars in gas are being wasted—and that gas is also decreasing the air quality, leading to the development of and/or exacerbation of respiratory and other types of illnesses.

AI can be used to anticipate how to coordinate traffic light patterns to optimize driving throughout a city. This is possible due to the fact that no matter how complex a system becomes, certain patterns will always exist, waiting to be discovered. In some places around the world, such undertakings have always shown promising results in terms of reducing or improving traffic.


All the data you can collect is worthless if it can’t be communicated effectively. That’s why some applications are being developed to help citizens voice their opinions and concerns about what’s going on in their city. The idea is to develop platforms where people can help shed light on what projects and initiatives are working and which ones aren’t.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t worry if the problems you have with your city don’t vanish overnight. Future technology may hold the answers you need.

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