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How Packaging Can Improve User Experience

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Retaining customers is one of the best ways to keep your business moving forward. Fast delivery and ensuring the product arrives in great condition is one way to ensure that customers make their way back to your site. Taking care with the how your customer is presented with the product when it arrives on their doorstep is an important part of the process.

How Packaging Can Improve User Experience

Boxes and Brochures

Beyond adequate bubble wrap and avoiding sea-post, providing beautiful boxes and inserts will give your product a touch of style. Apple is the perfect example of a company that puts as much care and detail into their packaging as their products. This makes receiving and unboxing one of their products an event in itself, with sturdy packaging and high-quality materials giving every part of the process a tangible feeling of it being something truly special. Your eCommerce website may not be able to devote the same resources as a company the size of Apple, but taking a little care and pride in your packaging will go a long way. Ensure the packaging isn’t damaged or worn looking, as this will plant doubt in the customer’s head as to whether the product is new, as well as dent the impression of quality you are trying to achieve. Use brochures and inserts to advertise other products, and include an invoice. These little touches will provide a touch and a sense of closure around the transaction, while also promoting further interaction with your brand.

Discount Vouchers

Including a voucher to increase the chances of further sales is a great way to bring your audience back time and time again. Even a small offer of free shipping or a 10% is a cost-effective way of building a relationship with your customers. It can be as inexpensive as including a business card size voucher, which will be substantial enough for them to hang on to and store for their next purchase

Free Samples

This is an ideal tactic for cross-selling and introducing your customers to other products in your range. It is perfect for products such as cosmetics, as well as tea, coffee, and anything that can be scaled down without losing its usefulness.

Social Media Invites

Prompting purchasers to interact with your brand as they receive their order can be a powerful way to drive engagement. Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are the perfect platforms for users to share their experiences with your product. It can be incorporated into a competition for extra incentive to take part.

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