A lot of alternative remedies are found in natural plants and herbs, as well as their by-products. Rather than incessantly being glued to the white collar modern medications that hospitals and as well as a good number of healthcare centers would administer, trying out one or two natural solutions can be a better recommendation.
It costs virtually nothing to get quality, clean and lasting healing from herbal plants and extracts, of which, lavender oil is member. With other relevant oils such as rosemary oil, pear seed oil, flax seed oil, etc, finding the need to visit your physiotherapist after a slight back pain from a sturdy activity would not be relevant.
Lavender oil is an ancient essential oil, it has been long discovered since the past 1000 years ago and has been effectively optimized by the paleolithic age in healing several types of body problems, diseases and conditions to mention but a few.
Having been used as a solution to various types of diseases and health problem in the past, the modern day world still finds some healthy benefits in it, and thus explores its use in so many ways for the betterment of mankind. For example, lavender oil can be used to cure to some of the notably pandemic problems that concerns man. Emotional stress and anxiety problems, skin and body burns, skin acne and pimples, wounds in the body system, ageing effects on the skin and well as in the treatment of psoriasis amongst many others.
Let’s walk through some of the best methods to optimize the benefits of lavender oils, in matters concerning physical health, mental health, and as well, our spiritual life.
Diabetes treatment: Type 1 and 2 Diabetes have long become two of the feared dreaded health problems that has become a threat to mankind and existence. Diabetes can be seen as very disastrously obnoxious, very most, a pandemic disease you won’t pray to contact. More so, has a high success rate in killing its sufferers — with regard to medical research and findings.
Lavender oil’s most fascinating test results on diabetes came into play in the year 2014, when a team of scientists from Tunisia set out to finalize on their long international research on it. Inasmuch as the 15-day study was observed and predicted very tedious and mind boggling, its final results soon showed that lavender oil essential treatment secured the body from many symptoms of Diabetes 1 & 2 respectively. Some of these prevented symptoms include:
Increase in blood glucose: blood glucose is the zenith of diabetes, if your blood glucose rises, chances are that you’re infected with diabetes disease.
Metabolic disorders – disorders can come in several ways, to include fat metabolism
Weight gain – which is one of the unhealthy symptoms of diabetes.
Liver and kidney antioxidant depletion – the lethargic concern of diabetes
Liver and kidney dysfunction: liver and kidney diseases, kidney stones, as well as dysfunctions can also curbed, avoided and healed with regular intake of lavender oil etc.
Liver and kidney lipoperoxidation – a very bad condition of the liver and kidney. This basically occurs when free radicals connive to steal important fat molecules from the cell membranes.