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Mobile, Computing & Tech

Fundamental revolution taken by the second screen technology

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For roughly 60 years, people watched television the same way. People would surround their giant living set, and they’d enjoy the most popular programs of the time. Then the internet arrived, disrupting innumerable businesses with its novel ways in which people could communicate and learn. Thanks to social media and the vast amount of resource databases available online, the entire nature of television viewing fundamentally changed. The days of an entire family watching the same show on the family TV are long gone.

Now, people are just as likely to watch on their smart device. The iPhone 6s Plus is one of the most popular current smartphone options; the 5.5-inch Retina HD display makes it perfect for second screen viewing. Even when they do use their TV, they keep their phone or tablet nearby in order to access information about their favorite series. Forty percent of American adults employ second screen technology. Homes featuring at least one child under the age of 18 use it almost 70 percent of the time. Almost all of those users utilize a laptop or personal computer, a smartphone, or tablet. It’s that important to people that they have quick internet access while watching television.

Watching television is one of the daily activities carried out by most humans. Television gives us, a variety of information and entertainment that serves to release the fatigue of everyday. For about 60 years, people watch television in the same way. People will surround a giant set their lives, and they will enjoy the most popular programs of the time. Then the Internet arrived, disrupting countless businesses with new ways in which people can communicate and learn. Thanks to social media and a large amount of database resources are available online; the whole nature of television saw a fundamental change. Days the whole family to watch the same show on TV family are long gone. Internet has done what called “fundamental change”. Now is the era where people feel comfortable to interact with their mobile devices. Mobile devices, especially smartphone, are what the main needs of the moment. Availability of a wide range of mobile devices has revolutionized the way people perform various everyday activities; especially in the aspect of entertainment and how they communicate. This cannot be avoided and take place automatically. Each technological development will support what is called “behavioral revolution”.


Consumer behavior with second screen technology is incredibly diverse. The largest number of people checks their email while watching, but surfing the web and texting loved ones are also popular choices for over half the second screen users. Roughly a third of them also enhance their viewing experience by researching the acting careers of the various thespians working on the program. For additional information about evolving second screen technology, see the below infographic.

Now, people are just as likely to watch on their smart devices. IPhone 6s Plus is one of the most popular smartphones today; 5.5 inch HD Retina display makes it perfect to see the second screen. Even when they use their TV, they continue their nearest phone or tablet to access information about their favorite series. The second screen technology really offers time savings, allowing a person to do more of the activity at once. Today, the second screen technology has been available in several types of popular smartphones.

Forty percent of American adults use the second screen technology. This is quite a fantastic number considering the population of America is a very large population. Mobile technology revolution has occurred in the United States! House shows at least one child under the age of 18 to use nearly 70 percent of the time. Almost all of those users utilizing a laptop or personal computer, smartphone, or tablet. It is important for people that they have a fast Internet access while watching television. The combination of Internet and television is something that must be presented. There is no separation between the two, as they offer a combination of a multifunction entertainment. From day to day, developments in mobile device technology walk rapidly; those go along with the development of capacity and speed owned by processors. Some processor manufacturers are continuing to compete with each other and they alternate their new product release in just a span of every few months!

Consumer behavior with second screen technology is very diverse, depending on what they need. The largest number of people check their emails while watching, but surfing the web and texting loved ones is also a popular choice for more than half a second screen users. Approximately one third of them also enhance their viewing experience with researching the acting career of various thespians working on the program. The second screen technology enables efficiencies of time; more than one activity can be conducted simultaneously. Scientists have predicted that the development of the second screen technology will continue until it reaches its peak, approximately within the next 10 years. For additional information about the development of the second screen technologies, see below infographic.

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