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Beautifying Work Conditions: Informing Employee, Independent Contractor, Booth Renter Of Their Rights In Salon

2 Mins read

We all know our roles in daily life but when it comes to professional life things may overlap or seem chaotic. The chaos is caused when people are not aware of their rights. The salon is a professional field that requires talented and skilled personals but when it’s about classifying different roles to different types of employees things become confusing, and the workspace gets disturbed. This post will help you in beautifying your work conditions and methods to reduce the confusion. The emphasis here is on highlighting various rights available to Employee, Independent Contractor, Booth Renter.

An employee of the salon has to work for specific hours and needs follow to salon policies. Customers pay for their work at a reception desk. Employees are given a check monthly after deduction of tax. Employees in a salon have various limitation such as they are forced to use the products that salon supplies, they can be fired, also they can not   charge any customer personally. They are also required to participate in salon specials promotional events. Salon Employees are covered under worker’s compensation and unemployment.

Beautifying Work Conditions: Informing Employee, Independent Contractor, Booth Renter Of Their Rights In Salon

Independent contractor are those who don’t have any permanent employment in any saloon. The nature of work for an individual contractor is infrequent. An individual contractor gets paid on the basis of the task they perform. To better understand what are the criteria to be categorised as an individual contractor, one can look at the eleven factor of independent contractor test by Internal Revenue Services.

A booth renter is not under any pressure from salon owner. A booth renter runs a separate business inside the salon as the land on which he operates is on the lease. A booth renter can not get fired by the salon owner,  rent can not be hiked without any prior notice, also can not force the booth renter to  participate in promotional events or buy coupon, products of salon.Moreover,  a booth renter need not to put the name of salon or owner on their business card neither owner can force the booth renter to ask their clients to pay at salon reception counter.

Despite so much clarity in various dimensions of three different activities, there are possibilities that of conflicts. To avoid any such situation of conflict of interest, it is advisable that whether you are employee, booth renter or individual contractor you should work or participate after agreeing to a legal contract. All three dimension discussed above are part and parcel of most of the salon. It is the prerogative of salon owner in the first place to ensure that no such situation arises where he is in conflict with others.

Working and creating an environment of symbiosis is all that every profession and business require. Any friction would lead to disruption and cause loss to parties involved. So to make sure that everything moves swiftly all the aspects of salon shall coordinate with each other and make sure that themselves and their counterpart also knows their rights.

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