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6 Telltale Signs Your Cortisol Levels Are Too High

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Have you ever been trapped in a situation where your fight or flight response is triggered? This is because of cortisol, a chemical produced by your brain. Cortisol is an important hormone your body produces, but too much cortisol in your system can have devastating results.

How can you know if your cortisol levels are too high?

Fortunately, there are several ways that you can identify an overabundance of cortisol. Here are those signs, as well as how to repair heightened cortisol levels.

6 Telltale Signs Your Cortisol Levels Are Too High

What is Cortisol?

Cortisol, also referred to as the body’s stress hormone, is responsible for many of your body’s functions. It regulates blood pressure, lowers inflammation in the body, controls your sleep cycle, and more.

However, cortisol is most often credited as the reason behind your body’s fight or flight response. It is produced by the adrenal glands when in a dangerous situation so that your energy can be reserved for getting out of the dangerous situation.

Signs of High Cortisol Levels

Your brain regularly works to detect the level of cortisol in your bloodstream and adjust it according to your needs. Unfortunately, the brain can make mistakes and produce far more cortisol than you require. This can result in some damaging effects.

Some of the ways that a hormone imbalance of cortisol can affect you include, but are not limited to:

  • Weight gain
  • Thinning skin
  • Acne
  • Muscle weakness
  • Severe fatigue
  • Headaches and migraines

A cortisol imbalance causes these symptoms due to elevated stress levels in the body. If you notice any of these symptoms or notice that you have unexplained stress, then you may have high cortisol levels.

How to Lessen Your Cortisol Levels

Fortunately, there are several ways that you can lower your cortisol levels and reduce stress. By removing stress from your daily life, you can encourage your brain to produce less cortisol.

Improving your sleep cycle is one major way to improve your cortisol levels. If your sleep cycle is off, that is a sign that you have a cortisol imbalance, as it controls your sleeping and waking cycle.

Getting regular exercise can also help to get rid of excess cortisol. Regular exercise can reduce your brain’s stress and make it produce less cortisol.

Of course, you should also take plenty of time to relax. Stress is the number one cause of cortisol imbalances, so taking the time to let your body rest can do wonders for your mind.

Decrease Your Cortisol Levels Now

You don’t need to let stress control your life. Pay close attention to your body and note any signs of heightened cortisol levels so that you can keep yourself healthy and happy. If you’re ever in doubt, you can talk with your doctor about other options.

Have you struggled with any of the above symptoms? How were you able to control your cortisol levels?

We’d love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment down below with your experiences and continue reading our blog for more helpful information.

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