When learning a new skill, it is extremely important to further motivate yourself. This makes sense for learning and it allows you to keep in mind a list of benefits that will become a reality after learning the skill. Given that sometimes it takes a long time to learn a skill, a person needs to overcome moments of apathy. In studying a foreign language, there are advantages besides, own, the very knowledge of the language. Consider the most pleasant of them is that they will be your support in a difficult moment. It is difficult to learn any foreign language, it is even harder to constantly scroll the same thought: “It will be fine when one day I will learn this language and I will be able to talk on it.” In addition to the fallacy of such a thought (a specific day will never come), a person is visited by destructive thoughts. We will try to save you from them, replacing them with thoughts that will help you find an additional stimulus, and hence the strength to teach further. So, the study of other languages:
1. Increases the speed of learning other skills
When you study a new language, your cognitive abilities will increase. For example, when memorizing words, you will train your memory. In addition, you can learn indirectly and other languages without studying them. You can understand the general concepts of languages and intuitively understand others (not only phonetically, but also structurally).
2. Increases your math abilities
Some Universities in 2007 conducted a study and concluded that children who study the second language, even if they take into account the fact that they sacrifice the time of studying mathematics, increases their mathematical abilities. If you just think about it, the conclusion suggests itself that learning a language involves your structural and logical processes in the brain, which is the same as mathematics. That is, you still have to learn math, but the brain will be more disposed to it if you study other languages.
3. Makes you the best listener
This is a great skill that we need always and everywhere. If you think about it, you can see in any situation the advantage of listening to a person without interruption. When learning a new language, you essentially have no choice but to listen carefully to a person, try to catch his accent and the meaning of what has been said. In addition, you just cannot interrupt a person, because you do not know much about a new language for you. This also allows you to develop empathy.
4. Enhances your attention
It is almost impossible to learn a new language and constantly get distracted. In order not only to learn but also to understand the new rule, to understand the sentence, you need to remain focused (as in the study of any new skill). You will understand that the slightest distraction can destroy the successes that you have achieved in the last few minutes. That will automatically show you the damage of the included mobile phone and other irritants.
5. Increase your confidence
When we set any goal and achieve it, it inevitably leads to increased self-confidence. That’s how a person is. Surely you read the advice of some productive people who wrote that if you do not get something, do what it does – clean up on the table, wash the dishes, throw out the garbage. Such minor successes instantly launch a chain of successes in your head and increase confidence. When we manage to conduct a dialogue for 30 seconds in an unfamiliar language, it gives us tremendous energy, our perception grows at times. It is important that you celebrate your small success for yourself. If you cannot rejoice in small victories, the brain will not be encouraged and quickly tired.
6. Prevent potential brain diseases
We are used to thinking that preventing a lot of physical problems is a lot of the sport. The study of a new language can delay the appearance of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease by 4.5 years, which is substantially greater than what modern medicines are capable of. The bottom line is that Multilanguage people in the brain create more nerve pathways, which in turn allows the brain not to scroll through the same thoughts and patterns (which often causes schizophrenia).
Author Bio
Deana Johnson is a lecturer in a top-ranked university in Europe. She is the most experienced and well aware of her profession. In this article, she is illuminating the significance of learning different languages to the students. Moreover, she provides home services at UK Essay Writing Help for the advancement of students.