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Mobile, Computing & Tech

6 Can’t-miss Web Designing Trends Of 2016

2 Mins read

The web world is evolving faster than ever since 2015 and so as the web designing field. Website is a part of your customers’ everyday life. While it is a beginning of the New Year 2016, we find it the perfect time to discuss the 6 hottest web design trends to focus in current year.

6 Can’t-miss Web Designing Trends Of 2016

Mobile first approach & responsive design

It is the mobile first approach that has fueled the demand of responsive web design specialists since the beginning of 2015. Mobile friendly website is the need of the hour, not an optional choice anymore! Considering the fact that mobile traffic has exceeded the desktop traffic in 2015, it is easy to say that the bandwagon for responsive web design is here to stay as an industry standard in 2016.

Hero Videos & Images

Hero videos and images refer to HD graphics that can bolster customer engagement immediately as they arrive on the website. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most prominent web designing trends of 2016. HD videos will become even more popular in present year, thanks to high speed internet availability and video Plugins. Live photos, where you see some movements in the images, is another new web designing trend which will witness more adaptability this year.

More creative typography

Today web designers have access to a great variety of custom designed web fonts and embracing some of them in great combination on your website will harm your search engine rankings. We will see more sites featuring different fonts in single or separate web pages along with rich animations and transitions of course. In short, let’s gear up to see some real bold and artistic typography in this year.

Minimalistic Layout

As the number of web users has increased dramatically in last 2 years, the demand of professional-looking and minimalistic layout web design is high these days. Minimalistic design doesn’t hint to a dull-looking site. You can still make it outshine with some custom designed elements but layout should be such that users can easily navigate through all pages.

Keep it scrolling!

Parallax scrolling is now a most commonly used web designing feature. In 2016, you will see more websites with long scrolling. This cool feature will save users’ time in flipping through different pages for different information. Explosive growth of mobile devices is further increasing the importance of long scroll in website design.

Card Design

Car layouts are trending the web designing arena these days. A card layout is typically a small piece of content featuring short text and background image. Such style can grab users’ attention more quickly and effectively. Visit the popular website of Behance and Google Now to see how card design can add more value to UX. This is a recommended layout for news, entertainment and any other industry website with the need of handling large volume of content.

Final Words

In 2016, the line between website design and UX (User Experience) will get blurred more rapidly. Thanks to remarkable advancement into the digital marketing, now web design and functioning can go hand in hand ensuring rich user experience.

Author Bio:

Author is a website consultant and digital technology professional working with small businesses. Offering a variety of business services like mobile app development, website design & development, SEO services in india. He is committed to helping businesses succeed in an increasingly technological environment.

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