10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know Used Ball Bearings But Do

5. Barstool – Few if any people can sit on a barstool that has a seat that moves and not spin – even just a little bit.  While the idea of spinning inebriated people seems a little dicey, by having seats that rotate, patrons are able to get up from the bar easier than if they had to push the stool back.  Easier exits means less potential accidents – a good combination in most bars.

6. Moving large structures – During the construction of the pyramids at Giza, primitive ball bearings were used to move heavy objects.  Built on that same idea, ball bearings were used to move the Cape Hattaras lighthouse when it was threatened with rising tides.  By simply getting the structure onto a specially made ball bearing scooter, the lighthouse could be moved without damage to the concrete structure itself.