Why You Need a Representative in the Courtroom after an Accident

After a car accident, legal repercussions and court are often at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Whether you are the defendant or the plaintiff, having a licensed car accident or personal injury lawyer as your legal representative in the courtroom can make or break a case.

If you’re not sure when to sue or whether or not you need an auto accident lawyer, read on to learn about how they can benefit their clients.


If you are the one being sued, then you need to make sure that any fees or legal repercussions you face are fair and just. Lobbying for your own consequences may not go over well, especially if you do not understand the legal system or the typical charges for a particular crime.

If someone was fatally injured in an accident you’re at-fault for, you could be facing a significant prison sentence. A lawyer can help you strike a deal and either avoid jail time altogether or reduce your sentence to something less severe.

Knowledge of Court Systems

The aftermath of an automotive accident is fraught with stress and pain. You may be recovering from physical injuries, worried about paying medical bills or trying to figure out how to get to work with a car that you can’t afford to repair.

In some cases, people sustain such emotional trauma that they are unable to continue working, driving or going about their daily lives. Significant emotional distress, financial loss and medical expenses are all just causes to file a lawsuit against someone following a car accident.

Having a lawyer on your side takes away the guesswork and anxiety that comes from defending or representing yourself. Lawyers have hundreds or even thousands of hours of courtroom experience and an intimate understanding of both state and federal laws. Their auto accident legal knowledge can help you present a stronger case that is more likely to bode will in your favor.

How to Find an Auto Accident Lawyer

Lawyers with the expertise to help you may advertise themselves with any of many titles such as personal injury lawyer, auto accident lawyer, or auto accident defense attorney. This depends on the types of clients they represent usually. Research a lawyer based off your specific needs—personal injury, car insurance, or auto accident defense.

If you don’t have the money to pay for legal representation, look for an attorney willing to work your case pro bono. “Pro bono” is derived from a Latin phrase meaning “for the public good.” Lawyers who offer their services pro bono to low-income individuals do not charge for legal counsel or advice.

A lawyer can also advise you on any limits that may exist against when you can file a lawsuit against another driver. Talking to an auto attorney as soon as possible following an accident will give you the confidence and knowledge you need to take the next step for you and your well-being.