When We Can See Results Of SEO Campaign?

Many clients and website owners are wondering how long will it takes for them to see real SEO results. This is a rather tricky question to answer and many SEO professionals can’t even provide something satisfactory to answer that. Often, we only get vague answers when we ask this question. In reality, SEO campaigns can be unique and there are many factors that determine whether SEO results can be achieved fast enough.

Before giving a proper answer for this question, SEO professionals would need to dig deeper and understand our website better. For this reason, we could see these professionals saying that it all depends on this and that.

In order to define real results, we should identify multiple factors that can determine our SEO success. Getting real results will require us to spend many hours to examine different details. We should check for specific indications that tell us that something can be achieved for specific amount of time. The level of competition in a niche can also be an important factor that we need to consider.

This is an important task to do, because we don’t want to choose a SEO method that brings slow results, due to specific unique factors. In this situation, we should research and plan well. Results will be achieved faster if there is very little competition and we have a large number of people of who are interested in our niche.

It’s clear that determining when we could obtain SEO results is far easier said than done. Some niches are already stagnant with too much competition, but thousands of others still have low competition. We should check whether our clients are operating in industries with high sales. However, competing in a specific niche can be quite challenging if we are dealing with some big firms with solid customer base.

To be blunt, we can’t promise to small business clients that they will be able to successfully compete with huge players in the market. Before making promises, we should assess the competition.

When determining the proper SEO goals, we should consider whether we aim a little but too high. It would take months or even years to get to the top three positions in search results for highly competitive keywords. In this case, we should be able to promise results to clients if we have more sensible preliminary goals, such as getting to the first page of search results.

In general, it could take up to 12 months to get good positions for moderately competitive keywords when all factors are fulfilled. We should also consider the quantity and quality of marketing efforts and content.

When analyzing the competition, we should also check their content. If we are able to provide more interesting and more comprehensive unique content, search engine bots will certainly appreciate that. Bots know that visitors will keep on coming back if we have high enough quality. It is more likely that our content is recommended by readers if we could provide something significantly different.