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Vernier Caliper Maintenance- A Perfect Manual

2 Mins read

A Vernier caliper is a tool which comes with a high level of precision. It has a reading error of 1/20mm=0.05mm. It is mostly used for measuring internal as well as external diameters of an object. But in order to ensure a high level of accuracy of Vernier caliper measurement, proper maintenance of the tool is essential. Here are some tips that you can follow in order to maintain the efficiency of your Vernier caliper: –

Vernier Caliper Maintenance- A Perfect Manual

Remove all dust/dirt from the caliber

As a part of the maintenance process, you will need to clean the Vernier caliper and surfaces which need to be measured. You need to clean the Vernier caliper and maintain it to check inaccuracies in measurement caused by dust or dirt. Experts advise against use of Vernier calipers on rough objects. This is due to the fact that it read correct measurements which can cause loss to manufacturers.

Avoid using the Vernier caliper with any other tool

Avoid placing a Vernier caliper with other heavy instruments like drills, hammers etc. This is because they might strike each other and cause an accident. Also, make it a point to put the Vernier calipers on lathe machine, which while being in use might lead to accidents. The Vernier calipers may also fall from the lathe machine. Its jaws can also break or rupture due to pulsation of the lathe machine.

Have a clear idea of the location while you take measurements

While you are performing the maintenance of Vernier Caliper maintenance, make it a point to palace it away from the magnetic region such as magnetic bench. This will ensure that it doesn’t get magnetized.

Clean the Vernier caliper on a daily basis after usage

Vernier repairs need to be functionalized in order to ensure that the Vernier Caliper remain suitable for use. If your Vernier caliper is old, then you should send it to your nearest authorized center. The technician will calibrate it on a daily basis and test its functionality and check quality related issues which have been caused due to strange reading mistakes of your Vernier caliper.

Use the device for a specific function

Ensure that the device is used for measurement purpose only. It should not be used as an alternative to other instruments. It is unwise to use a Vernier caliper as a foot scale, hammer etc. These actions will have a negative impact on the calipers.

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