What I Have Learned from Blogging For Over 4 Years

In order to be a professional blogger (which implies a quality of work), you need to learn the basics first. Good and professional bloggers do not rely on the writing solely; they are often responsible for formulating the topics that will be covered on the blog, writing methods, promotion of texts, interaction with readers. These… Continue reading What I Have Learned from Blogging For Over 4 Years

Categorized as Lifestyle

9 Simple Ways Of Staying In Style Without Spending Big Money

No wonder we all would love to stop at Burberry store and treat ourselves with new outfits every now and then. It is no big deal to spend money and top the fashion bar of your college, work or parties but the art lies in achieving the same benchmark by spending minimum. No offence to… Continue reading 9 Simple Ways Of Staying In Style Without Spending Big Money

Don’t Go Broke With Your Travels

Does the idea of getting away from it all once or even multiple times a year sound appealing to you? For most people, the answer would be a resounding yes. Also for many people, the wallet or purse they carry around is unfortunately not full enough with that green stuff, meaning they can’t do as… Continue reading Don’t Go Broke With Your Travels

Facts About Jute That Very Few People Are Aware Of

People are on the go! Authority should now take some major steps to uplift jute business as most retailers find it an important resource of bio-degradable products. Here we have some lesser known facts about jute which we thought might interest English people. Over the years jute products have created high bench marks for other… Continue reading Facts About Jute That Very Few People Are Aware Of

A Comfortable Living Space

The living room is an area of the home where the family gathers to relax and enjoy time together. It’s a room that should have a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. You can begin looking for construction leads if you have plans to remodel the living room to make it seem brighter and a bit more… Continue reading A Comfortable Living Space

Categorized as Lifestyle

How To Offer Your Best Wishes During Eid-Ul-Fitr

Eid-ul-Fitr is the most important and joyful festival for the Muslims. People celebrate this festival with all the excitement and joy. The markets and streets become crowded with shopkeepers selling different items and people buying gifts for their loved ones. The sharing of sending gifts to the loved ones is one of the ways to… Continue reading How To Offer Your Best Wishes During Eid-Ul-Fitr