Fake News and Its Impact On Consumer Behavior

Customers like routine. They trust traffic will be somewhat predictable and grocery stores will have their favorite yogurt. “Fake news” is eroding that safe feeling and unless businesses take steps to maintain their credibility, their customers’ distrust can lead to lost traffic. What makes people believe fake news Thinking about why people believe things that… Continue reading Fake News and Its Impact On Consumer Behavior

A Guide To Cycling As A Hobby

The pace at which cycling has gripped the British public is nothing short of astounding, and after a few decades of relative obscurity, cycling has again captured the imagination of the people. Bradley Wiggins is perhaps the British cyclist who has done more than anyone else to encourage people to get on their bike, and… Continue reading A Guide To Cycling As A Hobby

Looking For Trending Summer Haircuts? | Get That Awesome Look

Teenage is a period in life when you begin to understand and want to express yourself through your look. Short hairstyles are gaining popularity among the teens, as they are unique since a few of them rock on the same. There are various factors that you should consider when choosing your style. The main ones… Continue reading Looking For Trending Summer Haircuts? | Get That Awesome Look