Zigo Leads The Fight Against Unemployment

Attracting and retaining talent for SMMEs is a challenge parallel to the high unemployment struggle in South Africa. With an unemployment rate of 31%, technological innovation is necessary to help applicants apply to jobs in an easy and efficient manner. CEO of South African of Zigo, a job aggregator, Charles Edelstein, initiated Zigo to apply… Continue reading Zigo Leads The Fight Against Unemployment

Categorized as Education

Make Sure That You Are Providing The Basic First Aid Requirements

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require you to provide adequate and appropriate first-aid equipment, facilities and people so your employees can be given immediate help if they are injured or taken ill at work. What is ‘adequate and appropriate’ will depend on the circumstances in your workplace and you should assess what people… Continue reading Make Sure That You Are Providing The Basic First Aid Requirements

How To Improve Your Child’s Retention Ability

"We are not making peace signs. We have the right answer and it is 2."

Children have a tremendous ability to absorb new information. But, no matter how sponge-like your child is, there will be facts, formulas, and concepts that they have difficulty retaining. Thankfully, there are ways to increase your child’s ability to retain and recall information. And, these retention-boosting strategies are not only easy to use, but they… Continue reading How To Improve Your Child’s Retention Ability

The Essay Markers’ Secrets On How To Write A Brilliant Essay

The people that mark essays are not instinctively good at writing essays. They may be terrible, but since they spend a lot of time marking them, they are surly more knowledgeable than your average chump off the street. Great essay writing takes more than just following the essay-markers marking guide, but with that said, a… Continue reading The Essay Markers’ Secrets On How To Write A Brilliant Essay

Using An iPad To Create Your Child’s Book

You see it often in various social media posts and memes; the idea that your child’s education is at risk due to the proliferation of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. These warnings paint pictures of slack-jawed children who can’t read, write, or think to save their lives, endlessly hypnotized by the warm glow… Continue reading Using An iPad To Create Your Child’s Book

5 Great Gadgets To Make Studying An Easy Task

The technological evolution is revolutionizing the way diligent students study. Things are becoming easier. Learning is becoming more fun. Below, find five must-have gadgets for every student. Livescribe 3 Smartpen This pen is ideal for students for many reasons. As a student, you are hard-pressed for time. You need to be very efficient. For example,… Continue reading 5 Great Gadgets To Make Studying An Easy Task