Top Things To Consider With Breast Augmentation

Cosmetic surgery should never be rushed into by mere impulse. One should take their time making sure that the procedure they are considering is something they truly want to do. Thoughtfulness should be in the lead.

One of the most popular cosmetic surgeries is breast augmentation San Diego since some women do desire fuller volume in the breast area.

However, before committing to this surgery, it’s important to find a board certified plastic surgeon who will navigate a patient in the right direction in terms of taking into consideration a woman’s body type and lifestyle.

Lifestyle is important because if a patient is physically active or into sports, having an augmentation which is too large will not be recommended.

Again, an augmentation is finding the balance between a woman’s proportions and everyday life.

A woman weighing 130 pounds and is 5’3 tall, will not want to make the leap from a size A bra cup to a double DD.

An intense and dramatic increase such as this could pose risks in areas of breast tissue atrophy or a loss of sensation.

More modest sized implants still afford a patient with optimal results without having her experience a heavy pull on the breasts. Likewise, large implants are problematic for breast sagging where a breast lift may have to be considered in the future.

There are cases where a woman has chosen very large implants, and within a year, decided to downsize.

Some women who opt for larger implants have complained of neck and shoulder pain, discomfort when exercising, and finding clothes which fit properly. And a larger chest size may also give the appearance of being heavier than one truly is.

Once again, one must be mindful of what direction they want to take with breast augmentation.

During a consultation with a plastic surgeon, a doctor should take into account the dimensions of a woman’s frame and chest in determining a calculation. One implant may be too large for a woman with a petite frame and too tiny for a taller lady.

The body size and base of the breast must be equally matched.

The procedure for a breast augmentation is fairly quick. However, one should take into consideration the recovery time period. While many women are moving around within three to four days, they will still feel quite tender and sore. They will want to refrain from exertion, lifting anything heavy, and raising their arms above their heads for a period of time.

If a patient has younger children, she will need help for the first few days after surgery so she can heal properly. A mother will also want to refrain from any housework after the operation.

Following surgery, the patient will awaken wearing a surgical bra. Each doctor has their own protocol for how long this may be worn and can range from two to four weeks.

It’s important to follow a plastic surgeon’s postoperative instructions which will include when their patient can resume her normal, daily activities.

Finding the best plastic surgeon will help a woman achieve her aesthetic wishes.