Too Much Salt Can Damage

Too Much Salt Can Damage

       We know how important to add the salt in any dish, it brings the life to the dish. The salt combines the flavours used in the dishes, sometimes it distributed evenly among the vegetable items used in the dish. Everyone likes to add at least small pinch of salt while eating some fruits, snacks and salads. But if the quantity of salt is exceeded in our body more than required????

Let us see now some important limitations salt usages.

Scientifically salt called as NaCl, this mineral is so important in human life. It helps in many ways to keep human health conditions in good state. But consuming more salt can cause organ damages and can leads to serious health problems. Some body parts that be effected by the over consumption of salt.


Our body maintains the fluid levels; unwanted fluids are filtered and released out by the kidneys into bladders. Eating salt more than required level increases the amount of sodium chloride in (NaCl) in blood and disturbs the balance levels. This can result in effect in capacity of kidneys in filter and removing waste fluids/waters from our body. This damage further can make entire kidney failure, if the effected kidney left untreated well. So the kidney no longer will be in working condition, the wastage removal process is getting stopped.


Eating high salt can also increases chances of stomach cancer. High consumption of salt damages the lining of stomach .the H.pylori is most risky factor of stomach cancer, the H.pylori doesn’t effects the stomach but its salt which affects it. Salt helps the increment of bacterium growth and makes it vulnerable to cause the damage.


Every nation now facing this problem, there is rate of increment in obesity counts. The salt directly doesn’t help human body to gain any weight but it makes you feel thirsty. Of course obesity is connected with different health conditions and DNA’s but salt is also one of invisible factor that effects. Making you thirsty is the job of salt which ultimately leads us to drink more fluids. If the fluids are normal it’s OK! But if the fluids are sugary and soft drinks??? Then they results in gaining weight because of high calories.


As most popular known truth eating more salt can leads us to high BP levels. This is due to high consumption of salt may damage the arteries connected to the heart. Initially it may cause little reduce the amount of blood reaching to the heart. This may lead to sharp little pains in the heart taken place. It also blocks/ reduces the oxygen amount that should reach to heart. Due to raised blood pressure levels the walls of the blood vessels become thicker so the path of blood flowing becomes too narrow and can’t be able to supply enough blood to heart. So over the time this can lead to thickness of heart muscles and chance of heart attacks.


The high level salt presence in human body may also damage the arteries connected to brain. Initially the it may cause little reduction in amount of blood flows to brain, so this affects the working nature. If you still continue it consuming more salt then is leads to brain stroke which may result in death of the person.