Tips For Keeping Your Car Safe and Secure In Long-Term Parking When You Go On A Trip

Tips For Keeping Your Car Safe and Secure In Long-Term Parking When You Go On A Trip

If you are planning on parking your car in a long-term parking lot or garage, then you are probably wondering what steps you can take to keep your vehicle and possessions safe. While you won’t ever be able to make your car completely impervious to theft and vandalism, there are some simple steps that you can take to deter most criminals.

Tips For Keeping Your Car Safe and Secure In Long-Term Parking When You Go On A Trip

Arrive Early

Heading to the weekly or monthly parking lot a few minutes early is a great way to give yourself peace of mind. No one wants to get on a bus or airplane only to realize that they might have forgotten to roll up a window or lock the doors. Arriving a few minutes early will allow you to double-check the windows, door locks, alarm system, and any other security devices that you might have.

Remove All Valuables

Hundreds of thousands of people have their vehicles stolen every year, and one of the easiest ways to reduce your risk of becoming the victim of vehicle theft is to declutter and clean your car. Many criminals won’t even think about breaking into a car or stealing it if they don’t see any valuables that they can sell quickly. At the very least, you should place all of the random possessions in your vehicle in the trunk or a locked glove box before you leave.

Park Strategically

Getting to the parking lot or structure a few minutes early will also give you more time to find an ideal spot. When you are parking for a long period of time, you want your car to be near as many cameras and security checkpoints as possible. It is also a good idea to find a spot where there is plenty of foot traffic and good lighting.

Use a Tracking Device

While many newer vehicles come with tracking devices, some older models might not have that feature. If your car is more than a few years old, then you might want to shop around for an aftermarket tracking device. One of those devices can usually be connected directly to your smartphone, and it will give you the ability to immediately notify the police if your vehicle moves while you are away.

No one wants to get back home from a long trip only to realize that their car has been stolen or broken into. Luckily, with a little bit of foresight and some simple upgrades, you will be able to make your car as safe and secure as possible while it is in long-term parking.