Things To Do When Your Automobile Is Not Repaired Correctly

Things To Do When Your Automobile Is Not Repaired Correctly

Has the automobile repair company left you disappointed with their low quality services? Improper repair make you feel helpless and take away your thinking ability to act intelligently in such situation. If you are undergoing through the same situation, then checkout this article to get some useful tips to deal with that situation wisely.

Make the Payment

If you find that the repair is not done as per your expectations, then first and foremost thing is not to refuse payment. According to mechanics law, on refusal of payment, they have all rights to keep your automobile in their custody. Agree on a price and pay them at that instant.

Find Out the Fault in the Repairing Work

Though it is a difficult task, you need to consider every little detail to find what went wrong, when it comes to your automobile and family safety. As per the state laws, it is mandatory for the mechanic to explicitly state all the type of repair work done on your automobile. Los Angeles is known for best automobile repair centers in the world.

King Collision Center in Los Angeles provides professional and experienced automobile repair service for all types of damages in the automobile.

Don’t Make Judgments in Haste

You need to go back to the repair shop and speak to the mechanic or the garage manager to understand the situation. Here you need to tell them the type of damage in the automobile that was to be resolved and how it was expected to be done. The reasoning and explanation from both the sides would definitely solve the issue to a large extent.

Most possible outcome of this discussion will be a fair understanding between both the parties on the repair issue along with carrying the repair work properly without any extra charge.

Decide whether to Take Stringent Action

If you fail to reach a mutual agreement with the repair company, then you would need to think whether it would be beneficial to escalate the issue to the corporate head office. It has been observed that many times corporate acts in favor of customer. They reverse the charges spent by the customer so as to maintain good long term relations with them.

Utilize the Potential of Social Media

Social media has become an effective tool that is used by dis-satisfied customers to reach out to the company’s twitter account and management to get resolution for the problem. Impact of a single negative tweet can adversely impact the image of the company and cause them to rectify it soon.

Go for Legal Measures

If the case does not solve, then you can think of taking strict legal measures. This step depends on the severity of the loss – monetary loss or damages in the automobile due to faulty repair work. Legal procedure is a very lengthy and expensive process so if the loss is not very high then there is no sense of going for it.

It is advised to keep your cool, and do not reach to quick conclusions, when you are wronged with your automobile repair. Effective communication, calm and collected approach and better utilization of the resources available with you would help you get desired resolution to your problem.

Categorized as Law