The Road Did It! When Bad Roads Cause Accidents

The Road Did It! When Bad Roads Cause Accidents

Driving safely and avoiding accidents may be your top priority when behind the wheel. Unfortunately, many forces outside of your control can cause an accident. One of those is a poorly maintained road. Here are some things to consider when a faulty road is to blame for your car accident.

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The Importance of Proof

The importance of proof can’t be overstated with regards to an accident caused by a bad road. Proof that the bad road caused your accident will help determine who is responsible for the accident and this, in turn, will show who is responsible for the costs.

As with any accident, call the authorities immediately after your accident caused by a defective road happens. Calling the authorities immediately will ensure that an official report is promptly filed and can help ensure that any witnesses to the accident can give complete and accurate statements.

If your car accident happened in a construction zone, determine whether the proper warning signs were posted. Constructions firms are required to display signage, cones, and other items to properly warn drivers of road hazards. If those warning elements weren’t properly posted, the construction firm might be at fault for the accident.

Tracking the Costs

How extensively was your vehicle damaged and what was the insurance claim on it? Did you have any medical costs associated with the accident and will those costs be ongoing? Did you have any lost wages as a result of the accident? Answering these and other questions will help you determine the real cost of your accident that was caused by the bad road. Knowing the full costs will also be essential when determining how much the responsible party should pay.

Speaking with a Lawyer

According to Florida Accident Caused by a Bad Road: Do you Need an Injury Lawyer, hiring a lawyer could be the best choice as you work through the aftermath of your accident. Going through the process alone can be stressful and could leave you not knowing which action to take.

Before meeting with a lawyer to discuss your accident, gather all details related to the event. These details can include total accident costs, proof of the accident’s cause and more. Your lawyer can then use these details to determine who is at fault, how much they should have to pay and more. A lawyer can also be a valuable asset in ensuring that any necessary legal action is taken within the statute of limitations within your state.

If the road is to blame for your recent car accident, it’s time to take action. Roadways should be properly maintained and, when they aren’t, someone is to blame. Learn more about which actions to take after your accident and, if needed, seek the guidance of an experienced lawyer.